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Starting: Thu Jul 25 1996 - 10:39:32 MDT
Ending: Thu Feb 07 2036 - 02:07:22 MST
- "King's" catches on...
- "Pax Americana" in regards to the comments of Greg Burch...
- "Ten years, ten years, I tell you!"
- 'Paypal' is here! But I need something else...
- (META) (GUNS) Plonk!
- *sox18* in the bag
- *sox18* in the bag]
- 10 year sin
- 100 YEARS AGO: How far have we come?
- 1000 year scenario
- 76 million transistor chip
- 76 million transistor chip]
- > Black Hole Sun (itsy-bitsy)
- > Black Hole Sun (the song)
- > Qbit Super Computer
- >Ebola
- >Giving the Finger
- >H 1000 year scenario v2
- >H Luddites are everywhere!
- >The Penn Fuel Cell
- >Tissue Engr.
- >tumors
- [Bye, Bye, Miss Iridium Pie]
- [Fwd: Amazon.com and Thrust for Freedom]
- [Fwd: Corel Intel Deal in the making]
- [Fwd: Corel Intel Deal in the making]Microsoft becomes its own competition?
- [Fwd: The lowest form of human life]threshold value to sustain a quality adjusted year of life
- [GUNS] Method to decide the gun debate
- [LeftLibertarian] crocodillin
- [nano-assembly and computing]
- [nanotech] the core issue
- [POLITICS] Weird experiments in Libya
- [SEMANTICS?] atheisism/agnosticism/etc
- [Six Billion and Beyond]
- _Mission to Mars_
- _Mission to Mars_ (nature of the film industry)
- _Mission to Mars_ (trying to change an unfair world)
- _Mission to Mars_ (trying to change an unfair world)]
- _Mission to Mars_ (trying to change an unfair world)]]
- _Mission to Mars_ (Why doesn't someone else directly solve our problems?)
- A cure for Obesity
- A cure for obesity (was 'a to-do list for the next century')
- a fool is born every minute! (a humorous true story)
- A government system that could hold a tight grip on nano for themselves...
- a military fighting its civilian population
- A Note of Gratiude
- a novel way to see how fast or slow the lanes are going....
- A nutkettle calling a pot a nut.
- A perfect nanodefence...
- A Satiric Ode to Cryonemesis
- a to-do list for the next century
- a to-do list for the next century (humor)
- a to-do list for the next century (My wish-list and other thoughts)
- a to-do list for the next century)
- AGING: Gurskians vs. Tithonus
- AGING: Parkinson's Flies
- AGING: Parkinsons Flies]
- AI done here despite cheap shots
- Aircar traffic control
- Alex Comfort is dead
- ALT-711; New Study
- American Imperialism (Roman and Greek slaves)
- American Imperialism in response to Daniel Ust and Octavio Rojas Diaz
- American Imperialism in response)
- American Imperialism?
- an anarchist on Ricki Lake!
- and I bet they don't fly the skull and crossbones anymore to give warning.....
- ANNOUNCE: 4th Alcor Conference on Life Extension Technologies
- ANNOUNCE: Kurzweil/Moravec Symposium: "Will Spiritual Robots Replace Humanity by 2100?"
- ANNOUNCE: Kurzweil/Moravec Symposium: "Will Spiritual RobotsReplace Humanity by 2100?"
- Anonymous Internet Barter was: Barter
- Anonymous Internet Barter.
- Anonymous Internet Barter.)
- Another Energy Scam?
- Another prediction
- Another reason to burn your census form
- Another reason to burn your census form (Native Americans)
- Another reason to transcend your census form
- Anthony Kenny
- Anti-aging agents for men
- anty sim! anty sim!
- Are we reaching critical mass?
- Are you an Internet Addict?
- Arthur Clarke's title
- Asia's role in the present and future.....
- at the nexus of preparation and opportunity...
- Atttention Extropian students [Fwd: IHS grant program for aspiring filmmakers, fiction writers, journalists, policy analysts]
- Barges for autonomous living
- Barter
- Barter -- Why Bother?
- Basic Science/ Speculative: Reactionless Drive
- BBC's "Heart of the matter".
- beginning of heart disease in Papua New Guinea
- Being Anonymous made illegal?
- Bill Joy: enemy of the Singularity?
- BIO/ECON: Genomics News Wire
- black holes
- bloody --
- Bloody stupid moronic GUNS again
- boldest endeavor
- Bood and Gad
- Bood and Gad 0101010101
- both denOtter and Yudkowsky: possible singularity scenarios
- brief's about cryonics feasibility
- Brin story in Nature
- bring on Abbot and Costello!
- business week: net privacy
- Bye, Bye, Miss Iridium Pie
- can mind be explained...?
- Carol Greider's lab elucidates telomerase secondary structure
- Centenarians: the older you get, the healthier you have been
- CFCs and ethics
- Charles Platt responds to Billy Brown on CryoNet Message #13281
- CHEM: Molecules with silly names
- China, GM crops, pollution, WSJ article
- Chocolate, Good 4 U?
- choosing a strategy for survival
- Christian evangelicals colliding with the singularity...
- claims of being the 'real you' in regards to making copies of human beings
- click click Bang Bang
- Clinton's National Nanotechnology Initiative
- CMGi Goes Wireless...
- coffee is useful in so many ways
- coffee is useful in so many ways,,,,,,, lol!
- comparing movies and the matter of Jewel
- concepts of Heaven....
- Congratulations to Damien!
- congratulations to Nick Bostrom....
- Congressional nano hearing charter
- Consciousness, materialism and downloading
- cool simulator
- Cop crimes by state!
- CR pill?
- CRAN & anti-aging medicine
- Crime and Safety engineering
- Crime and Safety engineering [was: Ooh a gun fight!!]
- CRYONICS: feasibility studies
- cutting edge science presentation's in Alaska!
- Cyber-University and humans as social beings
- CyberPatrol (Censorware) Sues Reverse-Engineers
- CyberPatrol (Censorware) Sues Reverse-Engineers]
- cytochrome c oxidase and senescence
- Damien diagnoses me as having the dreaded g*n virus!
- Damien diagnoses me as having the dreaded gun virus!
- Damien's allegory...
- Dan's the man.
- dealing with the possibility of less then ideal reanimations.....
- debating the feasibility of cryonics....
- deciding which fork in the road to take with 'nano control'
- deciding which fork in the road to take...]
- deconstructing Derrida
- deconstructing Derrida & 3rd culture
- Deep Anarchy List Created
- dhea
- Diary Of The First Immortal Man
- Distributed Computing
- DMT, Salvia and others causing repeatable global subjective
- Domain Names/SPAM: Request for assistance.
- Domestic Partners vs. Human Rights [was: The lowest form of ...]
- Don't look now, but.....
- dreams of a better world
- drosophila longevity experiments
- Dubito quia absurdum est.
- duke on larry king
- ECON: Eleizer's call's
- ECON: Eliezer's calls
- ECON: Eliezer's calls (barter)
- ECON: Eliezer's calls (barter))
- EDUCATION: Voucher programs in trouble
- EI conferences
- Eliezer and the 'threshold of adventure'
- Eliezer hints at things....
- Eliezer vrs. Otter
- Eliezer, our future candidate...
- Eliezer, undercover at the Foresight Institute gathering!
- Emotion and Cognitive Science (ws) What is intelligence(Ws: neuro mods......
- emotions and neural events
- english schminglish
- english schminglish)
- English science in the news....
- enlightened masters
- ENVIRO: Norman Borlaug in _Reason_
- erm, say what?
- Ethics as Science
- Ethics as Science (was: deconstructing Derrida & 3rd culture)
- Eudora 4.3
- EVENT: Susan Sontag in LA
- evmick's reactionless drive
- evmick's reactionless drive)
- EvMicks new Hypertruck
- EVOLUTION: Stress needed for diversity?
- EVOLUTION: Stress needed for diversity?]
- ExI-LIST: warning regarding subsequent posts
- Explaining Mind II
- extro fools d...WEARABLE COMPUTERS!
- extro fools day
- extro fools day (yeah!)
- extro wise day
- extro wise day: EWDIM
- Extropian vs. BORG: A paintball game...
- extropians-digest V5 #65
- extropians-digest V5 #81
- extropians-digest V5 #85
- Extropic Music --E. Shaun Russell
- extropy, anatropy (was: What are the reasons for killing?)
- F.C.C. to Promote a Trading System to Sell Airwaves
- failure of debate
- Fair division
- financial currency=social currency
- First Iridium and now this
- fleshing out the Extro-scout idea.....
- Flooding the Rift Valley
- fools
- fools]
- for Damien
- forgetting to be young
- Fortune Article: Blessings from the Book of Life
- freedom vs security
- FreeNet downside
- FreeNet downside)
- FreeNet downside) ]
- Frito-Lay Pro GE?
- Fun Papers This Week
- further memespread, anti-nanotech/singularity
- future of intelligence?
- Fwd/News: GHB and MJ-related death
- Fwd: e-biomed: the journal of regenerative medicine Lauches, Exclusively Online
- Fwd: FDA Alert
- FWD: Life Extension Update 3-3-2000
- Fwd: Ray Kurzweil debates Bill Joy on NPR "Science Friday" Friday at 3 pm
- Fwd: Ray Kurzweil debates Bill Joy on NPR "Science Friday"Friday at 3 pm
- FYI: Will be in LA, Apr 14-17
- g*n c*ntr*l
- gatherings not to be missed....
- GENE: Wired news: Genome map only a baby step
- GeneEng: Pigs Cloned...
- Geron Symposium No. 3: Telomerase and Telomere Dynamics in Cancer and Aging
- God's indifference to suffering?
- going for the theological highground and labeling others....
- good and bad
- Good and Evil [was (trying to change an unfair world)]
- Good exchange with Eliezer
- GOV/PRV: Einstein an anarchist?
- green tea and cholesterol
- GUNS / List Censorship / Parting Shot
- Guns: SHUT UP!!!
- Guns: SHUT UP!!!)
- H. G. Wells
- H. G. Wells)
- H.G. Wells
- Hated rulers
- having our dreams of a better world become real for not just us......
- having thorns of the flesh (brain).....
- hello again...
- Hello!
- here comes grumpy grandpa! : )
- How another list group reacted to Anders' story about racist transhumanists
- how are extro list members really different?
- How the Commercial Television Networks Plan to Use the Internet to Destroy Local TV"
- HUMOR: Comrade Little Red Riding Hood....
- Hyperaggressive felons
- I am very curious...)
- I have seen the show _God, the Devil and Bob_
- I unsubbed sentinalnetmail@netscape.net
- I'm happy to hear the surgery went well!!
- I'm outta here
- I'm still trying to see the full scope of change that may be coming....
- IAU Colloquium 181: Dust in the solar system and other planetary systems
- identifying "all" the species
- If Zero were my neighbor!
- If Zero were my neighbor!)
- Imagination Redux: A kill-Joy Moment
- imaging the world
- imaging the world)
- imperialism in our day
- Improved delivery of human artificial chromosomes
- Internet voting allowed in AZ, USA
- IP: : U.S. Wants Less Web Anonymity from TELECOM Digest V20 #6
- IP: Publisher speaks out against Amazon patents
- is imperialism the right term
- is imperialism the right term?
- is IT here? already?
- Jim's nice toys
- JOBS: Tokyo ISP, Oracle dev/dba
- John Lott and Bernard Nathanson
- Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Call for Papers
- JPL: JPL goes planet hunting
- JPL: La nina update
- kathryn's comments]
- Ken's Ships of the Sky
- Killjoy Bill Joy and the scary nanotech, biotech, robotech future
- Killjoy Bill Joy and the scary nanotech, biotech, robotechfuture
- Kubrick
- Laser deposition & Semi-tech [was: near anything boxes]
- Laser deposition [was: near anything boxes]
- LEF Update
- LEF: Life Extension Foundation Update
- Life discovered on the Moon
- Life Extension Update 3-29-00
- life extention ideals
- life extention ideals (fwd)
- lifestyle choice of Papua New Guinean Highlanders
- Lighter than Air
- Lighter than Air.
- like visiting a ride at the state fair....
- live forever!
- Load Balancing Posts (was META: 328 subscribers)
- Lockheed NANO
- Lorrey Drive (Was: Ooh a gun fight!!)
- Luddites are everywhere!
- Luddites are everywhere!)
- Luddites: Exerpts of letter to NPR
- Lyndon LaRouche's Worldview
- MACRO: Flooding the East African Rift Valley 2
- Mae Ettinger has passed away
- Martin Gardner on memetics
- McCain and the religious right
- mccain vs religious right
- MED: Angiogenesis Inhibitors
- MED: Money Laundering for health?
- Meme Infection
- Memions
- Messages from nanotechnology-owner@egroups.com
- META: 328 subscribers
- META: 328 subscribers - four who post
- META: archive keywords suggestions, please
- META: ExIList & Subject lines
- META: Falling on our swords [was: I'm happy to hear the surgery went well!!]
- META: Gun talk
- META: List Governance and the Gun Threads
- META: Messages from nanotechnology-owner@egroups.com
- military simulators
- minduploading.org
- mitochondria and aging
- mitochondrial theory of aging
- Molecular Electronics Corporation
- Molly Wire Was:Towers to the Stars
- more fascist frothing
- more fascist frothing]
- more mad ideas I read in the paper
- more on `quantum evolution'
- Mortality improvements steady over 55 years
- Mr. Larouche and others like him....
- my 'Russian Studies'
- Nam et ipsa Scientia potestas est.
- nano promo on Oz national radio
- nano-assembly and computing
- nano-assembly and computing]
- NANO: Announcing Fungimol version 0.1.
- nanodebugging
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanomilitary policy
- NANOstrategy: Meds for pets.
- Nanotech Education
- Nanotech Web polls
- Nanovation CEO Interview
- Nasdaq 5000 just 5% away...
- near anything box design
- near anything boxes allowed to br in the hands of the public?
- near anything boxes allowed...)
- near-anything boxes allowed to be in the hands of the public?
- near-anything boxes allowed...)
- Need Cancer Treatments
- News info
- News info & Newsbots & Neuro
- News info & Newsbots & Neuro & Holo
- NEWS/FWD: Free Cyber-University
- NEWS/FWD: Free Cyber-University]
- NEWS: CNN: Hajj pilgrims urged to shun Western ways
- NEWS: Germany Sees Biotech Field With New Eyes
- NEWS: Mapping Pattern of Growth in Young Brains
- NEWS: Over the edge tech...
- Nick Bostrom's TV stint.
- Nominate your favorite privacy invaders and champions
- NPR Interview with Bill Joy
- NSG/ Meeting Announcement
- Nuclear Power
- Nuclear Power was : Sun's Tech Chief Has His Head Up His Ass
- Obesity
- Obesity (was: a to-do list for the next century)
- OC Extropy/Tranhumanist Meeting
- Oh Joy, technophobia is still spreading
- Oh Joy, technophobia is still spreading]
- Oh no! or why the future won't accomadate everyone
- Ooh a gun fight!
- opening up immigration
- Orbital Towers.
- Otter vs. Yudkowsky
- Otter vs. Yudkowsky: Both!
- our seti@home team stats
- PAGE: "Eliezer, the person"
- Paragraph of the day
- Patent breakthrough- maybe we don't need them after all?
- pathogens may induce senescence in podospora anserina
- Paypal - inertialess cash at last!
- Paypal Stuff
- PCP & Prozac are not similar
- peg - a non-toxic treatment for colon cancer
- PEOPLE: Interview with Gregory Benford
- please check out the video entitled, 'Cube'
- please help FreeNet by becoming a node
- please help FreeNet by becoming a node)
- poking fun at languages other then your own....
- POL: Anarchism, Minarchism, and Freedom
- POL: Ms. Logic and the Law
- Present Dangers to Transhumanism
- Privatization of cruiseships and other comments.
- Productive Employment]
- profit margins for the insurance industry....
- Prozac & Violence - New Research
- Prozac & Violence - New Study
- Prozac and Violence: a new study
- Prozac: Brain Damage Risk?
- putting nootropics into the public water supply
- Q: The genius monkey/ape
- Q: The genius monkey/ape?
- Quantum Leap in Computing
- Questions for Kurzweil and Joy
- Ray Kurzweil debates Bill Joy on NPR "Science Friday"Friday at 3 pm
- Re : AGING: Parkinson's Flies
- Re CyberPatrol (Censorware) Sues Reverse-Engineers
- Re McCain vs The religious right
- Reality is leaking again.
- Reductionism, Determinism and A Priori Metaphysics
- Reflections on irrational logic and statistics..
- regarding "Battlefield Earth"
- regarding Eliezer's take on labor and careers...
- regarding Mike Darwin posting here....
- regarding Robert's comments about pace of life and cryonics...
- regarding that infamous book, "The Bell Curve"
- regarding the Eliezer vrs. Otter debate...
- regarding the gun debate...
- regarding the impoverished childern of the future..
- regarding Trygve Bauge and independant maritime communities.....
- Religion: Flow and command
- Religions are censoring us
- Response to Eugene- you're in error.
- Rick's teenage memories of attacking Brazillian wildlife! : )
- Ricki Lake -- Extropian techniques?
- Righteousness of 2nd Amendment
- Robert Bradbury)
- Robert Bradbury, dragonrider of Earth!
- Robert Ettinger tells of his experiences with Stanley Kubrick
- Robert Owns does have a sense of humor!
- Robot Wars -- time for a hardcore version?
- Satanic PCs
- saving irridium
- See you there!
- shiiiit... here comes gun wars 2.0
- Singulatarian in Spite of Myself?
- Six Billion and Beyond
- Six Billion and Beyond]
- Skye has some wild pets!
- skyhooks again
- SOC/AGING: New York Times Article about a Conference on the Ethics of Life Extension
- SOC: Ubiquitous Surveillance (Was: dreams of a better world)
- SOC: Ubiquitous Surveillance (Was: dreams of a betterworld)
- sod, motor neurons and drosophila longevity
- Solo Brain: was[nanotech] the core issue
- some humor for the gene-modified food thread!
- some humor from a website that 'translates's your name!
- some humor....
- Space colonies (Was: Otter vs. Yudkowsky: Both!)
- SPACE: $ billions coming down in flames
- spike gets life extension
- spike gets life insurance in his life....
- Spike is kin to those Hatfields!
- Spy Planes
- Spy Planes (Was Transhuman Fascists?)
- Spy Planes (was Transhuman Fascists?) humor- Don't mess with Spike!
- Spy planes was: Transhuman fascists?
- SSPLC v militia - a pox apiece
- Stanford Symposium Extropian Get-together (Formly- ANNOUNCE: Kurzweil/Moravec Symposium: "Will Spiritual RobotsReplace Humanity by 2100?")
- Star Trek transporting and uploading....
- Status of Locator Service?
- Sticks and Stones and Bullets, Oh, My!
- stunning multimedia site
- SubOrbital Towers..
- Sun's Tech Chief Has His Head Up His Ass
- super-fast freespace optics last-mile tech
- Surveilance was: Transhuman fascists?
- Surveillance
- Surveillance (was: Transhuman fascists?)
- Swiss Parliament Legalizes Cannabis
- TECH/MIL: Exoskeleton Development
- TECH: Computer Chip Offers Paraplegics Chance to Walk
- TECH: Quantum Leap in Computing
- Technology (Was: imaging the world)
- Technology: Inverted energy source.
- Technology: Inverted energy source..
- Technology: Inverted energy source..(gasoline wire gun now)
- Technology: Inverted energy source..]
- Telenanoactuaction: an interesting possibility...
- temporal lobe seizure and religious experience...
- that damnable topic
- that new Clarke novel
- THC Killed Brain Tumors
- the 'Weekly World News' strikes again!
- the final words of the last human!
- The Five Biggies
- The future doesn't need us
- the future for Christians...
- The Internet is forever
- The Internet is forever)
- The Internet is forever) now: Getting in!
- the Kubrick film project _AI_ and _Mission to Mars_
- The Long Now
- The Long Now (WAS: a to-do list for the next century)
- The Long Now ]
- The Long Now]
- The lowest form of human life
- The Matrix's "Two Pills scene" as a "Threshold to Adventure" scene
- The Matrix; how to fix it?
- the mental journey's and yearning's of Anders Sandberg...
- The Political Mauling of Darwin
- The road to brain implants begins with a virtual rat
- the role of religion in human lives
- The spark of creativity
- The Tithonus Option is Not an Option
- The US Department of Defense's New Antiterrorism Squads- The face of tota...
- The US Department of Defense's New Antiterrorism Squads- The face of totalitarianism?
- The US Department of Defense's New Antiterrorism Squads- The faceof totalitarianism?
- The US Department of Defense's New Antiterrorism Squads- Thefaceof tota...
- The US Department of Defense's New Antiterrorism Squads- Thefaceof totalitarianism?
- The US Department of Defense's New Antiterrorism Squads-Thefaceof tota...
- The US Department of Defense's New AntiterrorismSquads-Thefaceof tota...
- The US Department of Defense's New AntiterrorismSquads-Thefaceoftota...
- the USA has no monopoly on stroke mortality
- The Value of Extremists
- The Value of Extremists, or, "What's for Dinner"
- thorns of the flesh (brain).....
- those marvelous extropians with their flying machines(moller skycars!)...
- those marvelous extropians with their flying machines(mollerskycars!)...
- those missing men
- To all those who wished me well regarding my surgery
- To D. Brin [Fwd: Fwd: Proposal on extropian philantropy]
- to James Swayze...
- too much
- tools to aid the third world poor....
- Towers to the stars
- Transhuman fascists?
- Transhuman fascists? (racist transhumanists?)
- Transhuman Philadelphia Meeting Sunday 3/12, 1PM at Barnes & Noble
- transhumanist fascists?
- Transparency
- Transparency Debate
- Transparency Debate: test case!
- Traveling is a 'trip'!
- understanding neuroscience
- Unfair action
- Uplift Projects (Was: rehabilitation versus punishment ...)
- uplifting the dolphins...
- Uploading and Consciousness (was: electronic intelligence andethics)
- Uploading and Consciousness]
- Upwingers Copyright
- Vale, William Donald Hamilton, FRS (1936-2000)
- Viola Is a Repository of Prior Art for The Web
- Vitamin C may increase hardening of the arteries
- Voting and Idea Futures
- W. Calvin (was understanding neuroscience)
- Waco FLIR test
- Waco Test Shows "OBVIOUS GUNFIRE"
- Waco Test Shows "OBVIOUS GUNFIRE")
- Waco Tests TOP SECRET
- Wanted: Effective April's Fool's gags for Critical Thinking class
- What are the reasons for killing?
- What extropians do when they go out on the town!!
- What if Neo had taken both pills?
- where have all the men gone? (humor)
- Who is here? The first Global Biocensus
- Why are you an Atheist?(was: the role of religion in human lives)
- Why bother?
- Why the future needs everyone!
- Why the future won't accommodate everyone!
- Why the future won't accommodate everyone!)
- Why the other lane always seems faster...
- will "authentic self" uploading ever be possible?
- Wired article on Homeopathy
- Xena chat transcript
- Yahoo! News Story - Grim Fate ..yadeedadee
- Yahoo! News Story - Grim Fate Awaits Earth Far in Future
Last message date: Thu Feb 07 2036 - 02:07:22 MST
Archived on: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 18:01:59 MST
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: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 18:01:59 MST