Re: extro fools d...WEARABLE COMPUTERS!

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 20:17:44 MST

> > Nowthen, I know and trust the people on this list well enough
> > that I grant *permission* for anyone to directly post a forged
> > parody of me, on either 1 or 2 April, or hell, anytime....spike
> Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> I likewise would have no problem with a forged parody of me (though
> it wouldn't be much of a challenge:) but I suppose some might. The
> question, then, is whether we should take those objections seriously.
> That's up to each poster: but consider that someone theoretically
> harmed by such a parody can point to this discussion, the April 1
> date of the posting, and Net tradition as pretty clear deniability.

Right on. Lee, you and I have total deniability henceforth for anything
we might conceive. I wonder how I can take advanta....
HEEEEYYYYYY! COOOL! Just as I was sitting here writing
this post, a commercial came on about wearable computers! {8^D
Cool! Its a real commercial, by IBM! The punchline is "Wearable
computers arent ready yet, but they arent far off."

This is wicked cool yall! spike

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