Re: nano promo on Oz national radio

Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 21:44:26 MST

In a message dated 03/17/2000 9:21:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Meanwhile, however, the national Murdoch newspaper The Australian outdid
> itself with a color supplement showing on the cover a patchwork girl and
> the inevitable brainless heading: FRANKENSCIENCE. In the land of Greg Egan,
> unknown to most of his fellow citizens, this is vomit-making.
> Damien
Kind of like USA where ya need to get famous elsewhere to make it in New
York, New York. Don't downplay Murdoch's apparent swipe at frankenscience,
better to make it frankenscience with a human face. Remember the pathos given
by James Whale to the monster in Bride of Frankenstein? The monster ended up
smoking a cigar-regular guy. Now think of Franken-nano doing things that
Rupert might like, such as add a few decades to his life. The way to beat
the fear is to emphasize bioethics and nanoethics with committees and laws,
and then accentuate the positive. You won't please everyone, but then that is
not the challenge.

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