RE: having our dreams of a better world become real for not just us......

From: Jeff Allbright (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 07:54:04 MST

Arthur C. Clarke's new book, _The Light of Other Days_, treats the same
issue of a transparent society and then raises it to a higher level with a
technological development that allows the public to view anyplace at
anytime, thus making people accountable now for actions they thought they
had successfully covered up in the past. A new morality takes over the land

- Jeff

Spike Jones wrote:
> Cameras *are* everywhere, John. They are everywhere now.

Yep, I make faces at 'em when I notice them ;)

> There is a book that I am tempted to agree with, Transparent Society. The
> author (forgot the name) argues that so long as everyone has access to it,

David Brin

> ubiquitous surveillance is really an OK thing, . Or if not, get over it,
> because its here anyway. {8-| spike

There was a short story in Analog (I think) about ten years ago, title
something like "Little Brother is Watching You", where the best antidote
to government surveillance is citizen surveillance- it kinda predicted

Nuts,'s back issue search engine doesn't show anything like
the story I recall- oh, well, I'll just have to ask in alt.callahans-
*somebody* there will have a copy of it, too.

Doug Jones
Rocket Plumber, XCOR Aerospace

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