Re: Transhuman fascists?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 19:46:19 MST

Zero Powers wrote:
> Technotranscendence wrote:
> >I think what we might say is Zero supports many planks which would lead to
> >a
> >totalitarian society -- rather than that it/she/he is a totalitarian per
> >se.
> >This, sadly, is what too many people support.
> This is the usual knee-jerk reaction. But if you stop and think about it,
> power equivolent ubiquitous transparency can not possibly lead to a
> totalitarian society. To the contrary it will help to assure that
> totalitarianism is never able to take hold.

And so long as one person has a more powerful computer than another
person, 'power equivalent ubiquitous transparency' cannot possibly
exist, except as a propaganda piece used to dupe people into
surrendering their civil rights.

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