regarding Mike Darwin posting here....

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 14:42:02 MST

Mike Darwin wrote:
Funny how the theoretical becomes of such immediate practical concern when
all the things you don't consider valuable about life in academic
discussions are about to be taken away from you, and just MAYBE for forever.
You'll just have to take my word for it on this one: I've seen it all to

Sobering words for all of us. I can understand how someone in the trenches
of cryonics research who has spent their adult life working for various
cryonics organizations would have this perspective. I bet you have seen
some very frightened and worried people over the years! If possible could
you share any of these experiences with us? Both sad and inspiring?

Are there going to be any fundraising efforts for improved suspension
techniques that we could rally around? I have heard that Saul Kent is
planning a new intitiative in the near future. How much money would need to
be raised? What level of breakthroughs could be hoped for if it were?

I want to say thank you for posting on the list such an important message.
I hope we hear from you again.


John Grigg
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