AI done here cheap (was: Re: Luddites are everywhere!)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 19:49:39 MST

At 06:22 PM 14/03/00 -0800, Robert B. wrote in passing:

>way conservative on when we get human equivalent computing. The hard
>part will be whether good AI takes 5 years or 20, but that's in Eliezer's,
>Doug's and a few others hands.

Hey, I love Eli like a son (not necessarily the most favorable comparison,
if one reads his autobiographic sketch, but still...), admire the hell out
of his smarts and articulateness, but let's not forget that so far all he's
done is talk a good game.

(Even that might be putting it a little strongly: the only formal AI expert
on the list, Robin Hanson, has expressed misgivings over Eliezer's
broad-brush and non-canonical algorithms/heuristics, and I haven't seen
anyone cluey like Moravec or Vinge rush to adopt his schemata, although
they both know about his site.)

Sure, it's cheery to mention each other in such glowing terms, but it might
be preferable to see some code that does something in the world, or to make
the world jump up and down waving dollar bills, before we assume that one
of our number is the new Knuth.

Damien [the worst programmer in the known universe]

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