Re: Asia's role in the present and future.....

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 11:30:27 MST

>From: Max More <>
>Subject: Re: Asia's role in the present and future.....
>Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 14:41:50 -0800
>At 10:32 AM 3/5/00 -0500, Greg wrote:
>>proving itself extremely adept at. Note that two Japanese institutions
>>have been among the most successful at implementing and exploiting
>>innovation, Honda and Sony, are both perceived by mainstream Japanese
>>business society as being "mavericks".
>Even *within* Sony there are mavericks who make the top leadership
>uncomfortable. The CEO of the Nintendo division (sorry, I forgot his name)
>does pretty much wants he wants without consulting the top people at Sony.
>It's interesting that he's getting away with it, but that's no doubt
>because he's producing a large percentage of Sony's total profits. Even
>better than being a maverick is being a profit-machine maverick!
>Max More, Ph.D.
>President, Extropy Institute.
>CEO, MoreLogic Solutions.
> or

Aren't Sony and Nintendo two separate (and competing) companies?


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