Re: Waco Test Shows "OBVIOUS GUNFIRE"

Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 22:48:38 MST

Ian Goddard writes:
> I have the whole FLIR
> tape (not just the segments shown in McNulty's videos)
> and have watched them extensively. I'll bet that there
> is a reason they wanted these tests secret. Amazing
> how CNN is spinning this toward the favor of the FBI
> (of course):

I wonder if, based on the totality of the FLIR tape, you might be able
to answer some of the questions I raised after seeing the Rules of
Engagement video:

 - All of the gunshots (assuming that is what they are) shown in the video
   appear to be shooting from left to right. This is the result of the
   fact that the shooters are all on one side of the building, and that
   the camera angle is approximately the same for all shots. In the full
   video, are there flashes seen with a significantly different geometry?
   In particular, is the airplane ever at the opposite point in its
   circle above the building, or near that point, when a flash occurs?

 - Are there other flashes which are less bright, so that it is harder to
   judge whether they are just part of the overall "flickering" of the
   background, versus whether they are gunshots? If the flashes are
   due to reflections we'd expect to see a full range of brightness,
   from just barely above the background noise level up to the bright
   flashes shown in the video.

 - In the script at,
   page 38, Allard says, "These are embers that are flying off the
   building, but you can see up in here that this is rapid gunfire. When
   we analyze the tape, we found out that there's two people there in this
   area here. And they're firing for about thirty seconds in this area
   where we have the burning dining room area. And it's almost continuous
   gunfire. And toward the end of this particular section, we find out
   that the people doing the shooting are actually retreating away from
   the fire and shooting as they're retreating." He points with his
   hand to the left in the McNulty video to show the direction they are
   retreating. Can you see this effect on your tape, so that the flashes
   are actually moving to the left as if the gunmen are retreating? This
   part is not shown in the McNulty video.

You are the only person I have had contact with who has actually seen the
FLIR film so it would be interesting to get your take on these questions.


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