Re: SubOrbital Towers..

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 23:47:08 MST wrote:

> A short while ago there was a discussion concerning orbital
> to geosych. The asertion was made that using a novel approach and hi tech
> materials such a structure was possible with today's tech.

Ja and I disagree, at least on earth. I havent gone over the
equations in the paper that Robert B. referenced, and I really
need to do so when I get the chance, but my calcs suggest we
arent there yet, and I havent found an error in those calcs.
Yet. {8^D

Mars would be good for an isosynchronous cable tho.

> If a twenty thousand mile hi structure is possible then how much more
> possible is a two or three hundred mile high structure?

One was in tension, the other compression. Not directly comparable.

> More to the useful would such a structure be?

Useful. We would think of uses.

> Power Generation. Being that high there must be some voltage differential
> between ground level and the top...out of the atmosphere.

Sure would. That unsuccessful experiment with the shuttle where
they tried to reel out a long cable in orbit to generate power was
to show just this effect. spike

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