Re: profit margins for the insurance industry....

From: James Swayze (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 04:07:03 MST

john grigg wrote:

> I want my Moller skycar! Dr. Moller says that the average insurance rate
> would drop to about $20 if his aircars were in general use and using the air
> traffic control system he recommends.

Sorry to rain or your parade John but speaking as a former pilot, I gotta say
Dr. Moller is out of his tree! Even if you take into account the future
possibilty of virtual highways in the sky rendered on your heads up display you
still have a myriad things that can go wrong. The first time one of his flying
cars falls out of the sky onto a downtown street or into the side of an office
building due to some maintence issue possibly neglected by Mr. Public, you will
have insurance companies screaming blood murder!

This assumes his flying car will indeed fly. I've seen it and it looks dubious
to me. The skies around airports are already insanely crowded. It's pretty to
dream about but we must practically consider if we really want the same
congestion on our streets to migrate to the skies above those streets. What
would drop insurance rates would be giving up our individual cars in favor of
more mass transit. Perhaps call to order driverless vehicles that come to your
door step, travel a ways and join up with a mass of others going the same
direction, then branch off to your destination where other passengers take that
same vehicle to yet another destination.


"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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