Re: near anything box security solution (Was RE: The Internet is forever)

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 11:40:57 MST

>From: (Octavio Rojas Diaz)
>Well, the problem I see with this transparent society is that, a very
>radical revolution, on civil liberties, democracy and respect and
>tolerance for other people's lifestyles is required, for this to
>function, otherwise
>jobs may be denied to you for your juvenile mistakes for example, or
>you could be prosecuted, because you
>did something that even though is not wrong, it was declared ilegal by
>your government (like experimenting with psychoactive substances)

Yeah, except we are talking about nano-era surveillance tech. Once nano
arrives, who needs a "job?" "Work" will consist of looking into, and doing,
what interests you.


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