Re: extro fools day

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 17:27:30 MST

Spike Jones wrote:

> OK, Ive an idea. We can intentionally corrupt the never-forgetting
> permanent internet database with a little game: we can declare a
> specific day for writing parodies of each other and posting them....

What? No bites on the extrofools day notion? With all the privacy
advocates that lurk here? Hmmm, puzzling. {8-|

It could be folks are shy about writing even light hearted parodies
of each other, tho the poet Burns has so aptly written

O wad some pow'r the giftie gie us,
To see oursel's as ither's see us,
It wad from many an error free us...

Or something like that, o fallable memory. OK, Ive a better idea.
We can still corrupt forever any future BB's archives by posting all
our normal extropians traffic except that, on some specific day, instead
of posting directly to the list, one would post to an arbitrarily chosen
fellow extropian, who would then remove any reference to the author
and repost to the list. We could add the words Happy ExtroWise
Day at the bottom to indicate the sender is not the actual author.

For that one day then, say 2 April, there would be no information
available about who posted what, and one could never know in the
near or distant future if any specific post was actually written by the
one under whose name it appeared.

Question please: would our posts look different on that day? spike

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