Re: imaging the world

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 01:17:41 MST

>Gotta have it JR, otherwise we die too soon. spike

I think that if we die before we get past superstition and tyranny, then we die
too soon. I figure we've got about ten or twelve years to get past superstition
and tyranny before the wackos blow us all up.

Since that probably strikes you as dying too soon, don't you think we ought to
get busy doing away with superstition and tyranny before they kill us?

Gotta move beyond superstition and tyranny, otherwise we all die too soon.

If we let superstition and tyranny prevail, our technology won't do us any good.

Should we dispose of religion, since it means almost the same thing as
Well, I guess we have to do it in a compassionate (non-tyrannical) way, don't

--J. R.

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