Re: NSG/ Meeting Announcement

From: James Swayze (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 07:32:26 MST wrote:
> From: Fred Hapgood <>

> Ring a bell?
> There is a body of opinion that all the nonsense in the market
> today -- in which investors riot to invest in companies losing
> the largest possible amounts -- is a reflection of the moral and
> intellectual rot that comes at the end of booms, and that once
> the correction imposes itself we will return to the orderly
> principles that have guided investors for centuries.
> That might be, but it might have another meaning entirely. It
> might signal the onset of the Singularity.

Someone better tell Alan Greenspan. ;)


"Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas"
			    NOSTRADAMUS 15TH Century

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