Re: [GUNS] Re: What are the reasons for killing?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 15:12:52 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:

> The anti-gunners have a habit of being disingenuous if not outright
> dishonest. They clearly play "the ends justify the means". A
> perfect example is the fact that they have always lumped suicides
> in as gun related crimes to inflate the numbers.

As well as saying '13 children are killed every day by guns' when they are
defining children to mean anyone up to 25 years old, and the also count dead
criminals as a bad thing. Criminals who have been shot in the act is merely a
case of taking out the garbage.

Michael S. Lorrey
Member, Extropy Institute
Member, National Rifle Association
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                  - General John Stark

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