Godhood vs Children

From: fdoubt@hushmail.com
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 23:21:59 MDT

Hi extropes,

Long-time lurker here, in need of advice from like minded people.

I don't want children, my wife has decided that she must try to have one.
 I posted the full story asking for help on alt.support.marriage and alt.support.childfree,
 you can read it here:


My question here is, how do you reconcile having children with pursuing
goals that can't be accomplished in a normal lifespan to begin with? Besides
comprehensive and radical self improvement and enlightenment, my specific
goals for this life include helping to legalize drugs, end intellectual
property, and extend maximum lifespan (in the relatively short term, meaning
several decades) and helping humanity transition into posthumanity and making
that transition myself (long term).

Who has time for kids? I know that several posters I admire very much here
do have children, and several don't. Excuse me for asking such an inane
question: Why?

I seem to recall this being discussed previously, but searches on the list
archives turn up mostly broken links for me. I'd appreciate pointers to
relevant past threads and/or new input.

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