r - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState
r90(int) - Static method in class org.reprap.utilities.FilterGenerator
radius2 - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCircle
RadiusFactor - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
radiusSquared() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCircle
RampButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
RampButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
ramping - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
rampOff() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
RampRate - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
randomStart() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
Start polygons at a random location round their perimiter
randomStart() - Method in interface org.reprap.Extruder
Start polygons at a random location round their perimiter
randomStart() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
randomStart() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Create a new polygon list with a random start vertex for each polygon in the list
randSt - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
Start polygons at random perimiter points
rangen - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Used to choose the starting point for a randomized-start copy of a polygon
rClick(Transform3D) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
re_box() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Recompute the box (sometimes useful if points have been deleted)
realPoint() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPoint
Generate the equivalent real-world point
realPolygon(Attributes) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygon
Convert the polygon into a polygon in the real world.
realPolygons(Attributes) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygonList
Turn all the polygons into real-world polygons
realRectangle() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iRectangle
This rectangle in the real world
realResolution - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
rec - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
The rectangle the pixelmap covers
recall() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
recallAll() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
recallAllButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
recallAllButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
recallButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
recallButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
receiveData(byte[]) - Method in class org.reprap.comms.IncomingMessage
Called by the framework to provide data to the IncomingMessage.
receiveMessage(IncomingMessage) - Method in interface org.reprap.comms.Communicator
receiveMessage(IncomingMessage, long) - Method in interface org.reprap.comms.Communicator
recomputeLayer() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules
Does the layer about to be produced need to be recomputed?
recordCurrentPosition() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
recordNumber - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules
The machineLayer value for each entry in layerRecord
recordVariables() - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.BooleanExpression
rectangle(BooleanGrid.iPoint, BooleanGrid.iPoint, int, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
Fill a rectangle with centreline running from p0 to p1 of width 2r with v
rectangles - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
A plan box round each item
recursiveDelete(File) - Static method in class org.reprap.RFO
recursiveSetEdges(Object, Transform3D, double, Attributes, ArrayList<AllSTLsToBuild.LineSegment>[]) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Unpack the Shape3D(s) from value and set edges from them
recursiveSetOffset(Object, Vector3d) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
recursiveSetScale(Object, double) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
recursiveSetUserData(Object, Object) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
method to recursively set the user data for objects in the scenegraph tree we also set the capabilites on Shape3D objects required by the PickTool
RefreshEmptySensor() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Called internally to refresh the empty sensor.
refreshPreferences() - Method in interface org.reprap.AxisMotor
Reload the preferences
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.GCodeStepperMotor
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.NullStepperMotor
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPStepperMotor
refreshPreferences() - Method in interface org.reprap.Extruder
Reload the preferences from the preferences file
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
refreshPreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
refreshPreferences() - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
(Re)load the preferences
refreshPreferences() - Static method in class org.reprap.utilities.Debug
RefreshTemperature() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
refreshTemperature() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
refreshTemperature() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
regularise() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Regularise a set with simple contents ( <= 4 ) This assumes simplify has been run over the set
remove(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Delete an object
remove(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygon
Delete a point and close the resulting gap
remove(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygonList
Get rid of a polygon from the list
remove(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGridList
Remove an entry and close the gap
remove(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Remove a point.
remove(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Remove one from the list
remove(treeList) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.treeList
Remove every instance of polygon t from the list
reorder() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
User is reordering the list
reorderAdd(STLObject) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Reorder the list under user control.
reordering - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
replaceAllSameLeaves(RrCSG, double) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Replace duplicate of leaf with leaf itself TODO: this should also use known complements
repRapAttached - Static variable in class org.reprap.Main
RepRapBuild - Class in org.reprap.gui
This is the main public class that creates a virtual world of the RepRap working volume, allows you to put STL-file objects in it, move them about to arrange them, and build them in the machine.
RepRapBuild() - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
ReprapException - Exception in org.reprap
ReprapException() - Constructor for exception org.reprap.ReprapException
ReprapException(String) - Constructor for exception org.reprap.ReprapException
ReprapException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.reprap.ReprapException
repRapPresent() - Static method in class org.reprap.Main
rerangeTemperature(int) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
resetPosition() - Method in interface org.reprap.AxisMotor
resetPosition() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.GCodeStepperMotor
resetPosition() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.NullStepperMotor
resetPosition() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPStepperMotor
resetVisited() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
Reset all the visited flags for the entire image
resolveInsides(List<RrCSG>) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Take a list of CSG expressions, each one corresponding with the entry of the same index in this class, classify each as being inside other(s) (or not), and hence form a single CSG expression representing them all.
response - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
responseAvailable - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
responsesExpected - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
Some commands (at the moment just M105 - get temperature and M114 - get coords) generate a response.
restoreAppearance() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
Restore the appearances to the correct colour.
result - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.ContinuationMesage
resume() - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
Resume building.
resume() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
Start printing
resume() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
resume() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GCodeRepRap
Resume building.
resume() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Resume building.
resume() - Method in class org.reprap.Main
Resume production NB: does not re-start the extruder
resume() - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
Resume building.
resumePolling() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.BotConsoleFrame
reverse() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState
reverseLayers() - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
RFO - Class in org.reprap
RFO(String, AllSTLsToBuild) - Constructor for class org.reprap.RFO
The constructor is the same whether we're reading or writing.
rfo - Variable in class org.reprap.RFO.XMLIn
The rfo that we are reading in
RFO.XMLIn - Class in org.reprap
RFO.XMLIn(String, RFO) - Constructor for class org.reprap.RFO.XMLIn
Open up legendFile and use it to build RFO rfo.
RFO.XMLOut - Class in org.reprap
RFO.XMLOut(String, String) - Constructor for class org.reprap.RFO.XMLOut
Create an XML file called LegendFile starting with XML entry start.
rfoDir - Variable in class org.reprap.RFO
The location of the temporary RFO directory
ringAdd(long, String) - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
ringBuffer - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
ringGet(long) - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
ringLines - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
ringPointer - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild.SliceCache
ringSize - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild.SliceCache
rootOffset - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
round(double, int) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
round(double, double) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GCodeRepRap
rowNumber - Variable in class org.reprap.RFO.XMLIn
rows - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.FunctionTable
Rr2Point - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Class for (x, y) points and vectors
Rr2Point() - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.Rr2Point
Default to the origin
Rr2Point(double, double) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.Rr2Point
Usual constructor
Rr2Point(Rr2Point) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.Rr2Point
rr_E - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
rr_N - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
Compass directions
rr_S - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
rr_W - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
rrb - Static variable in class org.reprap.gui.MaterialRadioButtons
RrCircle - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Small class to hold circles (centre and squared radius)
RrCircle(Rr2Point, Rr2Point, Rr2Point) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCircle
Constructor makes a circle from three points on its circumference.
RrCSG - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
RepRap Constructive Solid Geometry class RrCSG: 2D polygons as boolean combinations of half-planes First version 14 November 2005
RrCSG(RrHalfPlane) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Make a leaf from a single half-plane
RrCSG(boolean) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
One off constructor for the universal and null sets
RrCSG(RrCSG) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Deep copy
RrCSG(RrCSG, RrCSG) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Private constructor for common work setting up booleans
RrCSGFromBox(RrRectangle) - Static method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Make a rectangle
RrCSGOp - Enum in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Set operators, operands, and the universal and null sets
RrCSGOp(String) - Constructor for enum org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSGOp
RrDeleteOnExit - Class in org.reprap.utilities
Gets round the fact that Java DeleteOnExit() doesn't do it in the right order.
RrDeleteOnExit() - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.RrDeleteOnExit
RrGraphics - Class in org.reprap.utilities
Class to plot images of geometrical structures for debugging.
RrGraphics(RrRectangle, String) - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Constructor for just a box - add stuff later
RrGraphics(String) - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Constructor for nothing - add stuff later
RrGraphics.MyComponent - Class in org.reprap.utilities
Canvas to paint on
RrGraphics.MyComponent() - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics.MyComponent
RrGraphics.myKB - Class in org.reprap.utilities
RrGraphics.myKB() - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics.myKB
RrGraphics.myMouse - Class in org.reprap.utilities
Clicking the mouse magnifies
RrGraphics.myMouse() - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics.myMouse
RrHalfPlane - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Class to hold and manipulate linear half-planes
RrHalfPlane(RrLine) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Convert a parametric line
RrHalfPlane(Rr2Point, Rr2Point) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Make one from two points on its edge
RrHalfPlane(RrHalfPlane) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Deep copy
RrInterval - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Real 1D intervals
RrInterval() - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrInterval
Destroy just me
RrInterval(double, double) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrInterval
Two ends...
RrInterval(RrInterval) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrInterval
Deep copy
RrLine - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Class to hold and manipulate parametric lines
RrLine(Rr2Point, Rr2Point) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrLine
Line between two points
RrLine(RrLine) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrLine
Copy constructor
RrParallelLineException - Exception in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Exception for when trying to intersect parallel lines
RrParallelLineException(String) - Constructor for exception org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrParallelLineException
RrPolygon - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
The main boundary-representation polygon class
RrPolygon(Attributes, boolean) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Make an empty polygon
RrPolygon(RrPolygon) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Deep copy - NB: attributes _not_ deep copied
RrPolygonList - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
RrPolygonList: A collection of 2D polygons List of polygons class.
RrPolygonList() - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Empty constructor
RrPolygonList(RrPolygonList) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Deep copy
RrRectangle - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
A 2D box is an X and a Y interval
RrRectangle() - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
Default is empty
RrRectangle(RrRectangle) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
Copy constructor
RrRectangle(Rr2Point, Rr2Point) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
Make from any diagonal corners
RrRectangle(RrInterval, RrInterval) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
Make from X and Y intervals
rScale(double) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
rSwell - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
rz - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Thermistor resistance at 0C