p - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.DDA
p - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Keep the parametric equivalent to save computing it
p1 - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.segmentSpeeds
p2 - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.segmentSpeeds
p3 - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.segmentSpeeds
p_0 - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
p_list - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics.MyComponent
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.bedPanel
panel - Variable in class org.reprap.Main
Panel3D - Class in org.reprap.gui
Panel3D() - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
parent - Variable in class org.reprap.Attributes
The STLObject of which this is a part
parent - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.treeList
The polygon that contains this one
parentBotConsoleFrame - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
parentBotConsoleFrame - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
parentBotConsoleFrame - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
parentBotConsoleFrame - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
part - Variable in class org.reprap.Attributes
Where this is in the STLObject of which it is a part
path - Variable in class org.reprap.RFO
The directory in which it is.
pause() - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
Stop the printer building.
pause() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
Stop printing
pause() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
pause() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GCodeRepRap
Stop the printer building.
pause() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Stop the printer building.
pause() - Method in class org.reprap.Main
Stop production
pause() - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
Stop the printer building.
pauseAction() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
pauseBetweenSegments - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
Stop the extrude motor between segments?
pauseButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
pauseButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
paused - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
Stop sending a file (if we are).
paused - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
paused - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
paused - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
payload - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.IncomingMessage
The actual content portion of a packet, not the frilly bits
pe - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState
pEnd - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
pg - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
physicalExtruder() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState
pickCanvas - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
picked_app - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
pIndex() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
pixel(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
The pixel corresponding to an index into the bit array
pixelCount() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
pixI(int, int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
The index of a pixel in the 1D bit array.
pixI(BooleanGrid.iPoint) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
The index of a pixel in the 1D bit array.
pixSize - Static variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
The resolution of the RepRap machine
plane() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
pLine() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Get the parametric equivalent
plot(Rr2Point, Rr2Point, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
plot(RrPolygon, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
Plot a polygon
plot() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
Master plot function - draw everything.
plot(Rr2Point) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Draw a straight line to a point
plot(RrRectangle) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Plot a box
plot(RrPolygon) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Plot a polygon
plot(RrLine, RrInterval) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Plot a section of parametric line
plot() - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
Master plot function - draw everything
plot_box - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
plotExtruderCheck - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
plotMiddle - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.segmentSpeeds
pNear - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
point(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygon
Return the point at a given index
point(double) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrLine
The point at a given parameter value
point(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Get the data
pointRelative(Rr2Point) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
Where is a point relative to a box?
points - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygon
Auto-extending list of points
points - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
The (X, Y) points round the polygon as Rr2Points
pol - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
PolarPrinter - Interface in org.reprap
poll(BooleanGrid.iPoint, int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
pollThread - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
pollThread - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.BotConsoleFrame
pollThreadExiting - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
PolPoint - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
Small class to hold a polygon index and the index of a point within it
PolPoint() - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
polSection(List<Integer>, int, int[]) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Get the next whole section to consider from list a
polygon(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygonList
Return the ith polygon
polygon - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.chPair
polygon() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.PolPoint
polygon(int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Get the data
polygon0 - Static variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
polygon1 - Static variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
polygonIndex() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.treeList
get the index of the polygon
polygons - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygonList
polygons - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
pop() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
pop() - Method in class org.reprap.RFO.XMLOut
End the current item.
port - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
this is if we need to talk over serial
portName - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
The name of the port talking to the RepRap machine
pos() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrInterval
pos - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
positionWindowOnScreen(Window) - Static method in class org.reprap.gui.Utility
posNow() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
posOct(Vector3d) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
postSetUp(int) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
Really set it up under control...
ppSearch(Rr2Point) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Search a polygon list to find the nearest point on all the polygons within it to the point p.
preferences(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
Preferences - Class in org.reprap.gui
Preferences() - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.Preferences
Constructor loads all the information from the preferences file, converts it into arrays of JPanels and JTextFields, then builds the menus from them.
Preferences - Class in org.reprap
A single centralised repository of the current preference settings.
Preferences() - Constructor for class org.reprap.Preferences
preferencesButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
PreferencesValue - Class in org.reprap.gui
PreferencesValue(JTextField) - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.PreferencesValue
PreferencesValue(PreferencesValue.BooleanChoice) - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.PreferencesValue
PreferencesValue.BooleanChoice - Class in org.reprap.gui
PreferencesValue.BooleanChoice(Boolean) - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.PreferencesValue.BooleanChoice
prefix - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
prefName - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
prefix for our preferences.
printButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
printButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
printEndReverse() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Extrude backwards for the given time in milliseconds, so that polymer is stopped flowing at the end of a track.
printEndReverse() - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
Maybe reverse the extruder at the end of a track
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.Device
To whom (grammar) do I belong? if null, device is a brain in a bottle (i.e.
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GCodeStepperMotor
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
Our printer object.
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericStepperMotor
To whom (grammar) do I belong? if null, device is a brain in a bottle (i.e.
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules
The machine
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
printer - Variable in class org.reprap.Main
Printer - Interface in org.reprap
printLine(int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.pseudo.LinePrinter
printNearby(BooleanGrid.iPoint, int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
Useful debugging function
printPattern(int) - Static method in class org.reprap.utilities.FilterGenerator
printPolarSegment(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface org.reprap.PolarPrinter
printStartDelay(boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Extrude for the given time in milliseconds, so that polymer is flowing before we try to move the extruder.
printStartDelay(boolean) - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
Fire up the extruder for a lead-in
PrintTabFrame - Class in org.reprap.gui.botConsole
PrintTabFrame() - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
Creates new form PrintTabFrame
printTabFrame1 - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.BotConsoleFrame
printTo(int, int, int, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.pseudo.LinePrinter
printTo(double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GCodeRepRap
printTo(double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.Simulator
printTo(double, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
Move the printer carriage to the give x, y and z position while extruding material
processSeparators(String) - Method in class org.reprap.RFO
produce() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
produceAdditiveTopDown(RrRectangle) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
produceProduceB - Variable in class org.reprap.Main
Producer - Class in org.reprap.geometry
Producer(Printer, RepRapBuild) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
producer - Variable in class org.reprap.Main
produceSubtractive() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.Producer
progressBar - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
progressLabel - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
projection(Rr2Point) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrLine
The parameter value of the point on the line closest to point p
propsFile - Static variable in class org.reprap.Preferences
propsFileDist - Static variable in class org.reprap.Preferences
propsFolder - Static variable in class org.reprap.Preferences
prune(RrRectangle) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Prune the set to a box
purge(boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.GCodeExtruder
Purge the extruder
purge(boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.NullExtruder
Purge the extruder
purge(boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Purge the extruder
purge(boolean) - Method in interface org.reprap.Extruder
Purge the extruder
purgeTime - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
The time to run the extruder at the start -ve values supress
push(String) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
push(String) - Method in class org.reprap.RFO.XMLOut
Start item s