c - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.bedPanel
c - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
c(String) - Static method in class org.reprap.utilities.Debug
c1 - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Non-leaf child operands
c1 - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.BooleanExpression
c2 - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
c2 - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.BooleanExpression
c_1() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Get children, operator etc
c_2() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
ca - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.segmentSpeeds
cache - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Recently computed slices
calculatePicTempForResistance(double) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Calculates an expected PIC Temperature expected for a given resistance
calculateResistance(int, int) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Calculates the actual resistance of the thermistor from the raw timer values received from the PIC.
calculateResistanceForTemperature(double) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
calculateTemperature(double) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Calculate temperature in celsius given resistance in ohms
calibrate() - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
calibrate() - Method in interface org.reprap.Printer
Method to calibrate the printer.
cancelButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.ContinuationMesage
CancelButton() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Preferences
cancelButton - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.StatusMessage
cancelButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.ContinuationMesage
cancelButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.StatusMessage
cancelMenuItem - Variable in class org.reprap.Main
cancelRequested - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.StatusMessage
cap - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Thermistor timing capacitor in farads
carryOnPolling - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.BotConsoleFrame
CartesianPrinter - Interface in org.reprap
categorise(RrCSG) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
This takes a complicated expression assumed to contain multiple instances of leafA and returns the equivalent CSG expression involving just leafA.
categorise(PreferencesValue[]) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Preferences
Generate an array of categories corresponsing to the text in an array of edit boxes so they can be checked later.
Category - Enum in org.reprap.gui
This reads in the preferences file and constructs a set of menus from it to allow entries to be edited.
Category() - Constructor for enum org.reprap.gui.Category
category(String) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Preferences
Find if a string is a boolean, a number, or a string
cen() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrInterval
centerWindowOnParent(Window, JFrame) - Static method in class org.reprap.gui.Utility
centerWindowOnScreen(Window) - Static method in class org.reprap.gui.Utility
centre - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCircle
centre() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCircle
centre() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrRectangle
centreToOrigin - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject.Offsets
changeExtruder(Extruder) - Method in class org.reprap.devices.pseudo.LinePrinter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.reprap.RFO.XMLIn
Nothing to do for characters in between.
checkNudgeSize() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
checkPrefs() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.BotConsoleFrame
checkSum(String) - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
Compute the checksum of a GCode string.
children - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.treeList
The polygons inside this one
chooser - Variable in class org.reprap.Main
chPair - Class in org.reprap.geometry.polygons
chPair - small class to hold double pointers for convex hull calculations.
chPair(int, int) - Constructor for class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.chPair
clean() - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.Variable
cleanPolygons() - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
clickCancel() - Method in class org.reprap.Main
clockWise(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Put the points on a triangle (list a) in the right order
close() - Method in interface org.reprap.comms.Communicator
close() - Method in class org.reprap.RFO.XMLOut
Wind it up.
closed - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPolygon
Does the polygon loop back on itself?
closed - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
End joined to beginning?
closeValve - Static variable in class org.reprap.devices.pseudo.LinePrinter
CodeGenerator - Class in org.reprap.utilities
CodeGenerator() - Constructor for class org.reprap.utilities.CodeGenerator
coincidesWith(BooleanGrid.iPoint) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iPoint
Are two points the same?
coincidesWith(BooleanGrid.iRectangle) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.iRectangle
Are two rectangles the same?
colorFactor - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
commsDebug - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.Debug
Communicator - Interface in org.reprap.comms
communicator - Variable in class org.reprap.comms.IncomingContext
communicator - Variable in class org.reprap.Device
communicator - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
communicator - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPStepperMotor
communicator - Static variable in class org.reprap.Main
comp - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
The complement (if there is one)
compare(TableRow, TableRow) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.TableRow
Compare the binary numbers represented by two lists
compare(Variable, Variable) - Method in class org.reprap.utilities.Variable
Compare means compare the lexical order of the names.
comparePreferences() - Method in class org.reprap.Preferences
Compare the user's preferences with the distribution one and report any different names.
complement() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid
Complement a grid N.B.
complement() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
Lazy evaluation for complement.
complement() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Change the sense
complexity - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
How much is in here (leaf count)?
complexity() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
compress() - Method in class org.reprap.RFO
The entire temporary directory with the legend file and ann the STLs is complete.
computeInfill(int, LayerRules) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Compute the infill hatching polygons for this set of patterns
computeOutlines(int, LayerRules, RrPolygonList, boolean) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Compute the outline polygons for this set of patterns.
computeSupport(int, LayerRules) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.AllSTLsToBuild
Compute the support hatching polygons for this set of patterns
contents - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.STLObject
ContinuationMesage - Class in org.reprap.gui
This code was edited or generated using CloudGarden's Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder, which is free for non-commercial use.
ContinuationMesage(JFrame, String) - Constructor for class org.reprap.gui.ContinuationMesage
ConvertBytesToInt(byte, byte) - Static method in class org.reprap.comms.messages.IncomingIntMessage
convertFeedrateToSpeedXY(double) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convertFeedrateToSpeedZ(double) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convertToPositionX(int) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convertToPositionY(int) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convertToPositionZ(int) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convertToStepX(double) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
FIXME: Why don't these use round()? - AB.
convertToStepY(double) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convertToStepZ(double) - Method in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
convexHull() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
convexHull(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
Compute the convex hull of all the points in the list
coolingCheck - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
coolingCheckActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
coolingPeriod - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder
The number of seconds to cool between layers
copies - Static variable in class org.reprap.gui.MaterialRadioButtons
copyFile(PrintStream, String) - Method in class org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class org.reprap.RFO
Copy a file from one place to another
copyFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.reprap.RFO
Copy a file from one place to another.
copySTLs() - Method in class org.reprap.RFO
Copy each unique STL file to the temporary directory.
count - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.BooleanGrid.DDA
create() - Static method in class org.reprap.machines.MachineFactory
Currently this just always assumes we're building a 3-axis cartesian printer.
createAndShowGUI(Attributes, RepRapBuild, int) - Static method in class org.reprap.gui.MaterialRadioButtons
createAndShowGUI() - Method in class org.reprap.Main
createApplicationBounds() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createAudioDevice(PhysicalEnvironment) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createBackground() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createBackground() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
Set the material to make an STL object from.
createCanvas3D() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createLegend() - Method in class org.reprap.RFO
Create the legend file
createLocale(VirtualUniverse) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createPhysicalBody() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createPhysicalEnvironment() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createSceneBranchGroup() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createSceneBranchGroup() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
createView(ViewPlatform) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createViewBranchGroup(TransformGroup[], ViewPlatform) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createViewBranchGroup(TransformGroup[], ViewPlatform) - Method in class org.reprap.gui.RepRapBuild
createViewPlatform() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
createVirtualUniverse() - Method in class org.reprap.gui.Panel3D
CROSS_HAIR_SIZE - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.bedPanel
cross_point(RrHalfPlane) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
The point where another line crosses
cross_point(RrLine) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Point where a parametric line crosses
cross_point(RrLine) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrLine
The point where another line crosses
cross_t(RrLine) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrHalfPlane
Parameter value where a line crosses
cross_t(RrLine) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrLine
The parameter value where another line crosses
crossCategorise(RrCSG, RrCSG) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrCSG
This takes a complicated expression assumed to contain multiple instances of leafA and leafB and returns the equivalent CSG expression involving at most leafA and leafB once (except for non-manifold shapes).
CSGConvexHull() - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygon
csgSolid - Variable in class org.reprap.utilities.RrGraphics
ct - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState
currentFeedrate - Variable in class org.reprap.geometry.LayerProducer
The clue is in the name...
currentFeedrate - Variable in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Current feedrate for the machine.
currentLayerOutOfN - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.PrintTabFrame
currentMaterialOutSensor - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.SNAPExtruder
Is a material-out sensor connected to the exteruder or not.
currentSpeed - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.StepperPositionJPanel
currentTemp - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
currentTemperature() - Method in class org.reprap.devices.ExtruderState
currentTempLabel - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.GenericExtruderTabPanel
currentTempLabel - Variable in class org.reprap.gui.botConsole.XYZTabPanel
currentX - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.pseudo.LinePrinter
currentX - Variable in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Current X, Y and Z position of the extruder
currentY - Variable in class org.reprap.devices.pseudo.LinePrinter
currentY - Variable in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Current X, Y and Z position of the extruder
currentZ - Variable in class org.reprap.machines.GenericRepRap
Current X, Y and Z position of the extruder
cutPolygon(int, int, int) - Method in class org.reprap.geometry.polygons.RrPolygonList
Remove polygon pol from the list, replacing it with two polygons, the first being pol's vertices from 0 to st inclusive, and the second being pol's vertices from en to its end inclusive.