Re: SOCIETY: Techno Elites

From: Max M (
Date: Wed Dec 25 1996 - 15:53:20 MST

> From: David Musick
> A techno-elite will arise in *any* scenario. And I, for one, don't see
> anything wrong with that

I think that's either a defeatist, fatalistic or impassionate attitude to
hold. And apart from that we have to make shure that there will not be a
too small elite as it will stop the exponential growth.
The world of knowledge as of now, is very disorganised with lots of
redundancy. The amount of information in science is increasing
exponentially also. Soon no one can hold the amount of information, The
same experiments and calculations will be developed several times at once
because no one can find any information. We have to develop ways to embedd
knowledge in systems so the amount of disorganised information won't stop
development. We have to develop applications that make use of all the
information with an easy interface. This embedded knowledge will/must help
others to become part of the development instead of wellfare cases.
That way the info gap won't be to big and development will be speeded up.

> Actually, I am considering ways of inspiring the "masses" to become
> techno-elites themselves.

Then we are just splitting semantics. If the masses become a techno elite,
there will no longer be an elite. Of course there will allways be somebody
with more talent than others. And that will automatically create an elite.

> I have nothing against "spreading the word". I just think that *living*
it is
> profoundly more important.

At this point in time i will say that they are just about equal. But i
think we mostly agre here.

MAX M Rasmussen
New Media Director



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