Re: SOCIETY: Techno Elites

From: Max M (
Date: Thu Dec 26 1996 - 05:18:27 MST

> From: Kathryn Aegis
> Over the past year, I have read many books on the progress of
> technology and its historical impact on society. Aside from the
> inevitable growing pains and periods of socio-economic instability,
> there seems to be a repeating pattern of the "new" technologies
> becoming more accessible, easier to use, less expensive, more available
> to people with lower levels of training. The "elites" move on to newer
> applications or the invention of newer technologies, and everyone
> else gets a crack at the goodies that were previously unavailable.

Thats right. But currently we are in an era of exponential growth and i
think that makes all of the difference. It is now more important than ever
to be aware that not to many get left behind.

MAX M Rasmussen
New Media Director



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