Re: Movies & Extropian Principles

From: Natasha V. More(f/k/a/Nancie Clark) (
Date: Wed Dec 25 1996 - 15:37:33 MST

Extropian movie dealing with desiring eternal youth:

Cocoon - "Old" folks at a retirement home regain their youth from the
life-giving qualities found in a swimming in a pool filled with alien beings
in large clam-like cocoons.

What I love about this film is that the folks really want to be youthful and
extreme longevity. Very upbeat, full of delightful parallels to extropic
thinking. (****)

Extropian movie dealing with self-transformation:

Gound Hog Day - Man repeats same day until he gets it right.

This is one of my favorites because the lead character eventually becomes
his optimal self. It's not done an easy way - by pulling the wool over
others' eyes and pretending - but through his learning new skills and
actually changing his behavior and personality. (****)

                                Natasha Vita More
                                [f/k/a Nancie Clark]
                                Extropic Artist
                        "The best defense is a cultural offense."
                        Transhumanist Universe Art Web site
                               * * * * * * * * * *

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