Re: SOCIETY: Techno Elites

From: Max M (
Date: Fri Dec 27 1996 - 13:09:35 MST

> From: Kathryn Aegis

> I'm with you on the basic thought, but could you please explain what
> specific technologies you refer to when you speak of "exponential
> It seems that, depending on the set of technologies involved, you
> could assert either that (i) they are developing at a rate that will
> outpace the means of 'the masses' to eventually acquire them, or (ii)
> 'the masses' are acquiring new technologies at an exponentially
> faster rate.

I meant that (i) they are developing at a rate that will outpace the means
of 'the masses' to eventually acquire them

I was thinking about Information Technology and computers. But as IT grows
stronger it will be more than just IT. It will have an effect on almost
anything we can imagine.

MAX M Rasmussen
New Media Director



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