Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 22:17:16 MDT

The Spike, by Damien Broderick; a curious, symptomatic, occasionally
fascinating, sometimes boring and generally disturbing "non-fiction" book
of science fictional speculation that seems to ignore or forget that "this
sort of stuff" is a kind of science fiction.

Broderick is a well-known writer of science fiction, and the central
McGuffin of The Spike is taken, with generous acknowledgment, from another
well-known writer of science fiction, Vernor Vinge, who coined the term and
pioneered the concept of "the Spike," and, on the evidence of this book at
least, would seem to have become the central prophet of a little cult that
has formed around it.


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