Raising children, spouses, and friends

From: David Lubkin (lubkin@unreasonable.com)
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 19:52:34 MDT

Starting off three separate, related threads.

I've noticed that *very* few of us have publicly mentioned having children.
(Me, Barbara, Keith Henson, Sasha, Minsky, uh...)

Many are relatively young, and single. But many are not. Have you
consciously chosen not to have kids? If so, why? Do you have kids, but
have chosen not to mention it?

Of those who admit to having meat-spawn, how have you raised your kids?
How do you deal with biases of the school system? Are they given any sort
of religious upbringing? Do your kids know about libertarianism, cryonics,
nano-technology, space colonization, SETI, the Singularity, etc.? Do they
share your interests? Have you taken any particular steps to inculcate
rationality in them?

Those of you with life-mates: how do they feel about your extropian
interests? Do they share them? Tolerate them? Did they share any of
these interests prior to the start of your relationship, or did you convert
them? (Or, did they convert you?)

And for everyone: Do you try to pass the memes on to your friends and
colleagues? How successful have you been? Who seems the most/least
receptive? What approaches worked?

-- David Lubkin.


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