Re: Raising children, spouses, and friends

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 16:07:25 MDT

At 09:52 PM 18/09/00 -0400, "David Lubkin"
<> wrote:
>I've noticed that *very* few of us have publicly
mentioned having children.
>(Me, Barbara, Keith Henson, Sasha, Minsky, uh...)

I've got three, two girls 17 13 and an 11 year old

My kids have been forced by their other parent to go
to church every weekend they don't spend with me, but
they have a healthy skepticism about all things "god"
that they learned at their Mother's (ok it was father
back then, but I was in the "mother" role) knee.

I learned loads about raising kids from my parents...
mostly how NOT to do things.

I've been surprised by several people recently who are
very pro-tech / anti-death and aware of nano, ai, gene
mod etc... The singularity is generally a new concept
for them however.

Intelligent people with little emotional investment in
a religion seem to be the most receptive... while the
god squad looks at me like =I'm= crazy.


"Immortality: My long life ambition" -- Loree Thomas
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