Re: Raising children, spouses, and friends

From: KPJ (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 02:36:04 MDT

It appears as if David Lubkin <> wrote:
|Many are relatively young, and single. But many are not. Have you
|consciously chosen not to have kids? If so, why? Do you have kids, but
|have chosen not to mention it?

Not applicable.

|Those of you with life-mates: how do they feel about your extropian
|interests? Do they share them? Tolerate them? Did they share any of
|these interests prior to the start of your relationship, or did you convert
|them? (Or, did they convert you?)

Not applicable.

|And for everyone: Do you try to pass the memes on to your friends and
|colleagues? How successful have you been? Who seems the most/least
|receptive? What approaches worked?

Success rate < 1%.
Most: science fiction fans & radical computer oriented youngsters.
Least: conservative elderly women.
Approach: F2F conversation.

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