Re: Raising children, spouses, and friends

From: Corbally (
Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 16:55:58 MDT

>>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:52:34 -0400
>>From: "David Lubkin" <>
>>Subject: Raising children, spouses, and friends
>>Starting off three separate, related threads.
>>I've noticed that *very* few of us have publicly mentioned having children.
>>(Me, Barbara, Keith Henson, Sasha, Minsky, uh...)
>>Many are relatively young, and single. But many are not. Have you
>>consciously chosen not to have kids? If so, why? Do you have kids, but
>>have chosen not to mention it?

My wife and I have pretty much chosen not to have kids. While I like kids,
I'm not really all that pushed to commit the kind of time and resources
needed to do it properly. I did quite a bit of looking after my younger
brother (11 years diff.) back in the '80s, so I feel I've done my time:)

My wife's not into kids really, plus she's not too gone on the whole
pregnancy/childbirth thingy. Can't say I'd blame her! Would NOT be me if
the roles were reversed. She is impressed by the artificial womb idea....

>>Of those who admit to having meat-spawn, how have you raised your kids?
>>How do you deal with biases of the school system? Are they given any sort
>>of religious upbringing? Do your kids know about libertarianism, cryonics,
>>nano-technology, space colonization, SETI, the Singularity, etc.? Do they
>>share your interests? Have you taken any particular steps to inculcate
>>rationality in them?

"Meat-Spawn" - Gotta love it! Must remember that one, my sister will
appreciate that. She has two "Darlings":-> Not having kids just leaves me
with my hapless family and co-workers to brainwash. Seriously though, I
tend not to discuss it with most people, unless innocently interjecting
some >Human idea into the conversation. I did kinda surprise my boss' boss
when I explained some of the work being done in nuclear fusion (not that I
know a whole lot).

>>Those of you with life-mates: how do they feel about your extropian
>>interests? Do they share them? Tolerate them? Did they share any of
>>these interests prior to the start of your relationship, or did you convert
>>them? (Or, did they convert you?)

She met me before I ever knew about any of this stuff, so she's seen me
transititon from an NPC (Non Practicing Catholic - It's an Irish thing) to
a secular transhumanist. She's not been completely comfortable with it,
but it tends not to cause a problem. We've not had any major discussions
on the deep points of >Humanism. On one occasion, when the subject of
living in a manufactured, non-organic body came up, she stated "I wouldn't
want it to be anything man-made". I replied "but you already ARE
manmade!". Made her think, I think. Was certainly a good conversation
stopper:) She also recently realized, after seeing an elderly lady bent
over and using a cane to walk down the street, that the point of radical
life extension is to live long AND healthy lives, not just long ones. She
reached this point by herself too, a point I've not seen many people
achieve. She said "I've just had a thought...." and proceeded to state the
above in her own words. I was impressed...

I've also got subscriptions to several science magazines, and she'll
sometimes curl up in bed with the latest issue of New Scientist while I'm
tapping these keys. She also gets me Science books at our local library.
Picks pretty good titles too....

>>And for everyone: Do you try to pass the memes on to your friends and
>>colleagues? How successful have you been? Who seems the most/least
>>receptive? What approaches worked?

Being Irish, I tend to use a little humour in the rare event of being able
to contribute to discussions with a transhumanist edge. Then again, if we
ever get the ITFA webpage up and going, they may start looking a little
strangely at me.....

A good series of questions these. We can all learn something new about
each other.



>>- -- David Lubkin.

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