Re: Raising children, spouses, and friends

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 10:23:50 MDT

On 9/19/00, at 9:03 AM, Brent Allsop wrote:

> If we could catch kids when they are young, like the theists
>do, I bet we could be much more successful at propagating extropian
>memes than Christians are at propagating their memes. Today's
>deathist society just makes human children unable to tolerate many
>extropian beliefs once they get into and beyond the teen years.

One of my side-lines, that I mentioned here a while back, is writing books
for children, primarily aged 4 to 8, on extropian topics. My scientific
reviewers love them, but I haven't found a publisher yet. From the comments
I've gotten back from editors, it's professional-grade writing but too
different from the other stuff they publish.

A big-name pro I know has given me an entree to their editor; we'll see if
that helps. An alternative is to self-publish and market through;
but that won't get the books into the hands of the kids who need them the

-- David Lubkin.

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