Subject: Re: A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies

From: Menno Rubingh (
Date: Sat Nov 13 1999 - 16:57:18 MST

> A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies

We have to go beyond this moral idea that it is not 'right' that these things
can happen or that the 'standards' are not OK in some parts of the academic
world. People who know some bits of good technology and some good scientific
tricks should USE them, directly, to gain benefits for themselves; thereby
demonstrating directly that these tricks and technologies work. And thereby
*bypassing* entirely those stuffy, bureaucratic, self-important and brain-dead
people being 'exposed' in this story about the article in 'Social Text'.

Technology and science is a living and utilitarian thing, which must always
demonstrate its usefulness directly and materialistically; it is not a thing
like ''art'' or ''politics'', in which people's arbitrary opinions count more
than the real, objective, self-demonstrating usefulness of a thing. The
basics of science and technology is the simple common sense that says that a
theory or a bit of technology must be *useful* (else why bother with it). I
have some confidence that this will more or less automatically keep groups
engaged in science and technology rid of the kind of thing described for the
Social Text article.

Regards,   Menno Rubingh (

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