Extropian Principles reading list

From: Max More (maxmore@primenet.com)
Date: Sat Oct 11 1997 - 19:45:39 MDT

This message is for everyone here, but especially for you long-time and/or
broadly read Extropians. I am working on the next version of the Extropian
Principles -- version 3.0. Since the last version is four years old
(version 2.5 originally appeared in Extropy #11), the reading list needs

The old list had a top ten readings, followed by an undifferentiated list.
I would now like to divide the longer list into subject sections. The idea
is not to compile a comprehensive list of every possible book on a topic,
but to pick one or two readings that many of us consider crucial to
understanding extropian thinking. Clearly we will not all agree on
everything, but I think such a shortlist helps newcomers to get up to speed
on understanding our worldview.

I would appreciate suggestions for books I do not have listed. If you think
one of the books listed should be replaced with another, or a new subject
section added, please let me know.

I don't have a good book chosen to cover AI. I don't regard Minsky's
Society of Mind as appropriate here. I'd like something more accessible
that covers the field more broadly. I also haven't read any of the several
more recent books on life extension research and practice, so I don't know
which to pick. Also needed: A good book on space and space travel.

I will not list any book in the final version unless I have read it.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.


These books are listed because they express Extropian ideas. However,
appearance on this list should not be taken to imply full agreement of a
book or its author with the Extropian principles, or vice versa. Reading
just the first ten books listed will illuminate many components of the
evolving Extropian worldview.

[These first ten are also included in the topic sections following.]
Paul M. Churchland: Matter and Consciousness
Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene
Eric Drexler: Engines of Creation
David Friedman: The Machinery of Freedom (2nd Ed.)
Hans Moravec: Mind Children: The Future of Robot and
                                        Human Intelligence
Ed Regis: Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition
Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource (2nd ed.)
Robert Anton Wilson: Prometheus Rising
Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged (fiction)
Marc Stiegler: The Gentle Seduction (fiction)

Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene; The Blind Watchmaker
Stuart Kauffman: The Origins of Order…
Bart Kosko: Fuzzy Logic
Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers: Order Out of Chaos

Alcor Foundation: Cryonics: Reaching For Tomorrow
Ward Dean &
John Morgenthaler: Smart Drugs and Nutrients
Eric Drexler: Engines of Creation
Eric Drexler: Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and
Eric Drexler, C. Peterson
with Gayle Pergamit: Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology
Hans Moravec: Mind Children: The Future of Robot and
                                        Human Intelligence
Ed Regis: Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition
Ed Regis: Nano

Paul M. Churchland: Matter and Consciousness
Paul M. Churchland: A Neurocomputational Perspective
David Gauthier: Morals By Agreement
J.L. Mackie: The Miracle of Theism
W.W. Bartley: The Retreat to Commitment

David Friedman: The Machinery of Freedom (2nd Ed.)
Jan Narveson: The Libertarian Idea
Ayn Rand: Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Julian Simon: The Ultimate Resource (2nd ed.)
Julian Simon and
Herman Kahn (eds): The Resourceful Earth

Nathaniel Branden: ? (which one?)
Harry Browne: How I Found Freedom in An Unfree World
Stephen R. Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Timothy Leary: Info-Psychology
Robert Anton Wilson: Prometheus Rising

Damien Broderick: The Spike
Freeman Dyson: Infinite in All Directions
F.M. Esfandiary: Optimism One
FM-2030: Are You A Transhuman?
Robert Ettinger: Man Into Superman
Jerry Pournelle: A Step Farther Out
Alvin Toffler: Powershift

Robert Ettinger: The Prospect of Immortality
Alan Harrington: The Immortalist
Albert Rosenfeld: Prolongevity II [more recent books?]
Roy Walford: Maximum Life Span

Daniel Boorstin: The Creators; The Discoverers
Bruce Mazlish: The Fourth Discontinuity
Richard Tarnas: The Passion of the Western Mind

Roger MacBride Allen: The Modular Man
Greg Egan: Quarantine, Axiomatic
Robert Heinlein: Methusaleh's Children
                                         Time Enough for Love
James P. Hogan: Voyage To Yesteryear
                                        Inherit the Stars
Peter James: Host
Charles Platt: The Silicon Man
Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged (fiction)
Eric Frank Russell: The Great Explosion
Robert Shea and
Robert Anton Wilson: Illuminatus! (3 vols.)
L. Neil Smith: The Probability Broach
Neal Stephenson: The Diamond Age
Bruce Sterling: Schismatrix
Marc Stiegler: The Gentle Seduction (fiction)
Vernor Vinge: True Names
                                        "The Ungoverned" in Across Realtime
David Zindell: Neverness


Max More, Ph.D.
President, Extropy Institute: exi-info@extropy.org, http://www.extropy.org

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