RE: Reanimating life

From: Reason (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 21:07:15 MST

> How can we do this? One way is by creating an anthology. ExI is
> taking on
> such a task. By compiling essays and ideas of extropians who have been
> spearheading and putting it in book form, I hope that we can help keep
> Sasha and others, - alive and not alive - regenerate in the
> central axis of
> transhumanist extropic thinking.
> Further, there is no reason why this cannot be added to ExI's website.

Not that it needs my stamp of approval, but this is a Good Idea. Article
collections are the most popular sections of my web sites, and I think
they're a very good way of getting the message across to those people who
want to go further than sound bites and summaries.

I can't currently think of a good, accessible central repository of
transhumanist op-ed, essay and vision-statement writing from different
luminaries. (With no offense intended to those on this list and elsewhere
who do maintain very good repositories of tranhumanist material --
"accessible" in this case pretty much means this narrower content focus and
a single navigation tree of only one or two levels). So I think this would
fill a gap.


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