Provocative Summary of Sasha's Ideas (was RE: Reanimating life)

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 10:04:35 MST

Anders writes that some of us, including Avatar Polymorph and I,
missed the point of Robert's question about Sasha's writings,
namely how it could be possible for us to keep alive his "spirit"
in the sense of his visions. That is so. I over-react whenever
anyone speaks in such a way that makes it sound as though a
person can be kept alive by means of books he or she wrote, or
by children that he or she may have had, or by other legacies.

To the main point, then, as Anders did carefully rephrase it:

> What Robert was asking about wasn't whether some future technology
> could abolish death of some future super-technology could resurrect
> the dead, but how to keep the vision of dead transhumanists alive
> today...
> Back to the original question, I have been thinking about Sasha's
> writings. Many had great ideas that still have not been developed
> thoroughly or been extended in the light of new information.

I did manage in 1988 to write down a succinct list of 15 or so
fundamental beliefs I had which I called "Lee Corbin's Manifesto".
(I should dig them up, but I don't think that there is anything
on that list that would be especially provocative to regular
readers of this list, or to extropians who make much effort to
keep themselves up to speed.) When I mentioned that I haven't
had any new *fundamental* ideas for about the last 15 years, it
was that list to which I was referring, and about which Eliezer
mentioned that this was the saddest thing that he'd ever read
on Extropians, or some similar words to that effect bemoaning
that this was such a long time for one to go without having
new ideas.

The nice thing about such a format, however, is that it very
*concisely* exhibits ideas. Can we essay such a numbered list
of Sasha's ideas which could be then "developed or extended in
the light of new information"? I stress that each item most
desirably should be limited to exactly one sentence, if at all


> What about creating a collection of his best essays and posts, together
> with comments and extensions by us? I envision a kind of web anthology
> (although it would be good on paper too) aiming for recognition of his ideas.

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