Re: Reanimating life

Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 13:33:39 MST

From: Anders Sandberg

>What Robert was asking about wasn't whether some future technology
could abolish death of some future super-technology could resurrect
the dead, but how to keep the vision of dead transhumanists alive
today. Invoking the Omega Point or admonishing people to sign up
won't bring back the understated humour of Sasha. In fact, it is an
evasion from the real issues facting us.<

This segue from AI think tankers is appropriate. All too often we erase
work done by those in the back room, or ideas of those buried somewhere. I
don't think this is entirely intentional, but more random occurrences that
are the offshoot in discovering a new aspect of something already in effect.

In deference to Sasha, FM and others who are not alive, it's a welcomed
responsibility to keep their ideas breathing.

How can we do this? One way is by creating an anthology. ExI is taking on
such a task. By compiling essays and ideas of extropians who have been
spearheading and putting it in book form, I hope that we can help keep
Sasha and others, - alive and not alive - regenerate in the central axis of
transhumanist extropic thinking.

Further, there is no reason why this cannot be added to ExI's website.



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