never a day passes (death penalty)

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 05:27:51 MST


Never a day passes when I don't give thanks to the nodal stem that I live in
a country whose States have all abolished the death penalty (Australia) and
a world in which Europe and the non-US Anglo-Celtic colonies (Australia,
Canada, New Zealand) have all also done away with it.

Never a day passes when I don't give especially thanks - as a member of the
Immortality Institute - for Australia having abolished the death penalty.

Never a day passes when I don't think of forgiving murderers facing the
death penalty.

Never a day passes when I don't think of forgiving the individuals in the US
who carry out murder in the name of the state and those individuals in the
US who voted for capital punishment.

Never a day passes when I don't think of fair systems of protective
shielding for those potential victims of non-consensual force that face this
negative thing: I try to think systematically and laterally.

Towards Ascension
Avatar Polymorph

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