Re: never a day passes (death penalty)

From: Avatar Polymorph (
Date: Sun Nov 24 2002 - 17:43:30 MST

"As for me quite a number of days has passed since the thought of
hugging a
murderer has entered my consciousness, forgiving these sadistic
beasts is
just not very high on my to do list. And I sincerely believe
that a 6 or 7
thousand volts at 5 or 6 amps will dramatically improve a child
personality in just a few minutes, after all zero is larger than
a negative

     John K Clark"

If you believe in the imminence of extreme lifespan extension and
immortality, the issue of forgiveness will become more important. Currently
executions and murders SHORTEN the victims lifespan. An IMMORTAL'S execution
is another matter.

This is why I believe in protective shielding far more than mental
conversion or rehabilitation (though it should be tried), forcible mental
conversion (negative and counterproductive) and punishment (negative and

Towards Ascension

Avatar Polymorph

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