Re: Minor deviations: a trend?

From: Sehkenenra (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 14:28:57 MDT

>Perhaps we will see some sort of social/behavioral
>revolt soon against all the super restrictive society
>that most of we Boomers seem hell bent on imposing?

Hmm... I'm a y-er, and I can't say that I've noticed the behaviors you're
discussing. Then again I live in a pretty conservative part of the country.

(We have a joke in South Dakota- we put liberals who get too annoying in
there place. It's called Washington, D.C.)

Anyway, street races and LARPs are nothing new. (Well, LARPs (make believe
for twentysomethings and teenage goths) are a more recent development, being
a 90's phenomenon)

-Nicq MacDonald
Y-er, South Dakotan, Occasional LARPer

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