Re: more sex, less brains?

From: Sehkenenra (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 14:14:33 MDT

>Last month's Scientific American ran an article on delayed sexual
>maturity in orangutans as a function of their social rank. This is
>an example of hormonal development moderated by a strictly
>environmental factor in primates. This observation leads me to
>believe that the appropriate medications could conceivably delay
>onset of pubescence in humans. If it is shown that there is a strong
>correllation between early pubescence and lowered academic
>performance, we should be able to create the analog of athletic
>steroids, except for aspiring young scholars. These would artificially
>delay interest in sex, so the boys can study physics and trigonometry
>instead of anatomy and physiology.

I've wanted a drug like that for years. It would have saved me a lot of
mental pain in high school, that's for sure.

(In fact, I recall reading John Varley's "Steel Beach", thinking how nice it
would be just to remove sexual characteristics and hormones... no more
unrequited crushes, disappointing post-rave hangovers, or daily masturbation
sessions... :)

-Nicq MacDonald

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