anthrax blooper

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 02:24:37 MDT

Speaking of the Oz Science Show, a convincing report today sez the FBI
know full well who did the anthrax attack and won't act because it would
open up a can of US military germ warfare worms. Clue: the attack not only
followed the protocols described in that advance report by one of their
guys, it *also failed to take account of factors missed by that analysis*.
Thus, the report didn't know spores would migrate thru envelope paper when
letters were mechanically squeezed during sorting. In fact, the perpetrator
taped them tightly shut *and included letters saying what the victim had
been infected by and warning them to get suitable antibiotic treatment
immediately*. In other words, no intention of doing real hard, let alone
murder, just a wake-up call and plea for more $$$ for such research--which
has worked a treat, as it happens.

Let's hope the frustrated researcher who eventually does the same with nano
replicators has better success in predicting the course of the action.

Damien Broderick

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