RE: snoring yourself to death

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 02:09:17 MDT

At 04:38 PM 7/13/02 +1000, Colin Hales wrote:

>As you get older and the flesh in
>the throat fattens and loosens it simply blocks the air off under the zero
>neural stimulation of deep sleep. My particular version of the disorder is
>not worth the surgery option, apparently. Even surgery does not guarantee
>the removal of the disorder.

Farrell stated that uvular slash&burn (not his phrase) has no impact on the
added health risks, only on the surround sound. Yr partner welcomes the
silence, and you die quietly. As to whether yr partner welcomes that as
well, I pass over in silence. To, um, coin a phrase.

Damien Broderick

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