Re: news spin on cryonics

From: TT (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 08:47:31 MDT

[quote from: on 2002-07-10 at 07:09:52]
Yes but if at least some core ideas do not become mainstream the probability
of >H technology developing into something that can be of benefit to you
remains small. Technology development requires funding (even public funding
for technologies still far from commercial payoffs) and political

Giu1i0 Pri5c0

I’m not so sure. It looks like most of the technology is on its way without
a H> meme driving it (perhaps with the exception of cryonics). So it’s how
the emergent technology is used that’ll make it useful in a >H sense. Using
existing technology in innovative ways is not as expensive or difficult as
creating it in the first place.

So are >H Memes relevant to the development of H> base technologies?


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