news spin on cryonics

From: spike66 (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 21:16:52 MDT

Hal Finney wrote:

>Here is the information about tonight's Crossfire from the CNN web site:
>>Baseball legend Ted Williams passed away last week but a family feud
>>over what should happen to his remains has sparked a heated debate over
>>the science of cryonics...
The local communist propaganda sheet, the San Jose Mercury news,
ran a front page story about the sluggersicle, and it had a very definite
negative spin n cryonics. The Merc made sure to point out how evil
the greedy son is, to freeze his father in order to make a profit selling
his DNA. (!)

Never did the Merc point out that to preserve DNA, all one would
need is a toenail. No freezing necessary, nor desirable. Never in the
article did they refer to the daughter as estranged, nor did they point
out that the son was the executor of the will. They do go on about
how absurd and immoral is the whole notion of cryonics, and the
whole notion of cloning.

Many people here will have local newspapers that will carry the
Williams story, including some of those outside the US. Do check
to see if *any* newspapers carry a positive spin on cryonics. This
should be interesting. spike

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