Re:Cryonics \"Meme-bites\" Was: Crossfire transcript

From: TT (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 08:38:11 MDT

[quote from: estropico on 2002-07-10 at 05:32:42]
I agree completely with Colin Hales when he says:

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die
H.P. Lovecraft

Does anybody have any favourites? It could be worthwhile to collect them for
future use by anybody being approached by the press... especially those of us
with considerably less experience than Max.


Hmmmm. Lovecraft could be a good source, but you have to be careful....

As perhaps one of the earlier visionaries of the Singularity he speculated
that man would either be driven mad by it or seek solace in a new Dark
Age. Reading the interview, and the lack thereof of coherent argument to Maxs’
logic, both seem to be a definite possibility.

But I'm still happy to use one of his quotes as my Sig :*)


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