fleeing nano, bio, nuke hazards

From: spike66 (spike66@attbi.com)
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 23:21:17 MDT

Back a few weeks ago when we were talking about attempting
to cross interstellar space with current technology, we were
derailed in debating the possibility of outrunning a singularity.
It never entered the discussion that there are plenty of dangers
faced by humanity besides a singularity, which might actually be
more effective in scaring a dozen Gatesian fortunes into being
dedicated to the long-shot attempt.

The reason the other dangers might be more effective is that
there might be a great majority of capital holders who are not
convinced that the singularity poses a real risk, or that even if
a singularity is possible, it should not be avoided. Yet we
can all see that the danger of nuclear, bio and even nanotech
warfare and terrorism is ever increasing. (The Palestinians
and Israelis are trying to start the next world war, for instance.
They have been successful in drawing even peaceful-minded
extropians and transhumanists into their conflict, as many here
have chosen one side or the other. Dont give in to that.)

If something *really* scary happens, such as a nanotech terrorist
attack, then the big money may conclude that it is only a matter
of time before gray goo devours the planet, and furthermore there
is every reason to believe a spaceship could outrun that danger.
The big money may conclude that humanity has not the luxury
of waiting for uploading, but rather must act right away.

Given a dozen Gates-loads of money and present tech, what
would you estimate are the chances of successfully crossing to
the next star and surviving long term? spike

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