Re:Luddites on the loose...

From: JMS (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 05:21:32 MDT

[quote from: estropico on 2002-04-30 at 04:14:34]
Hear, hear! I like the attitude! I've often thought that there is a "gap in
the market" for a similar group and I too have been disappointed by ProAct's

You can count me in (in principle only, of course... we'll need to get down
the nitty gritty before I "sign up"!) from there.

Ditto. It's about time to start practising the Dynamic Optimism, count me in
too :)

Perhaps we can discuss at the Saturday meeting Fabio?
(BTW I'm JMS, here but Bluesteel at Extrobritannia.)


PS I've just seen the Queens speech on the BBC, and I didn't know she was
a Transhumanist... Much talk of embracing change, invention, creation and
the advance of technology. Balanced with the need for responsibility and
service. I'm not a great Royalist, but I was quite impressed by such a
dynamically optimistic attitude.

This message was posted by JMS to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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