Center for Transhuman Development news list

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 09:05:32 MDT

In keeping with my recent 'put up or shut up' challenge, I, and several
respondents, have founded the Center for Transhuman Development email
list for those interested in engaging in or funding pro-transhumanist
activism. The list is and membership is
controlled by myself. Prospective members should provide their complete
names, addresses, phone numbers, and the names of at least two prominent
extropians or transhumanists who they know in the physical realm and can
vouch for their anti-luddite attitudes.

This new list will be for activists to formulate strategies to confront
luddites in the political arena, the media, and in the community. We
already have a few events in the works, and have also heard from a more
radical cell of individuals who are planning on engaging in more direct

Those wishing to join in should privately email me with the relevant
information. While membership fees are not being imposed until we have
non-profit/PAC status, any donations toward bootstrapping things would
be welcome.

Michael Lorrey

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