Re: Luddites on the loose...

From: outlawpoet - (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 20:12:40 MDT

I'm not quite loaded with free time, But i'll contribute to the cause, as much as I can. We here in Utah may not be the centrepoint of the world, but I get a lot of experience fighting deathism and magical thinking!

Justin Corwin

"Is all the world but jails and churches?
                ~Rage against The Machine

--- "Nicq MacDonald" <> wrote:
>>There are two sorts of people we want: People willing to dedicate a
>>significant portion of their time or a significant amount of money. We
>>will be following a 'lead, follow, or get out of the way' attitude. If
>>this announcement is met with a similar silence from the transhumanist
>>community, I will thereby declare the surrender of the transhumanist
>>movement to the forces of luddism and get the argument over with once
>>and for all.
>No silence here, Mike. Now is definitely the time for action, and I'd be
>willing to offer whatever assistance that an unemployed International
>Politics student in the upper midwest can. Sign me up.
>Nicq MacDonald


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