Re: Where's Genetic Programming at?

Date: Wed Sep 20 2000 - 15:06:20 MDT

September 19, 2000

Putting a Darwinian Spin on the Diesel Engine

Jeff Atteberry for The New York Times  
The quest to build a better diesel is now aided by genetic algorithms, with 
computers pitting different designs against one another to develop the best 
Scientific American  
Rudolph Diesel, shown in a 1912 photograph, invented an engine in 1893 that 
was more efficient than the gasoline engine but more complex as well.  
To engineers, the silent machinery of a living cell is a humbling reminder of 
the crudeness of their own designs. Every cell is a tiny, elegant engine that 
converts chemical fuel to energy while emitting innocuous byproducts. By 
contrast, a diesel engine, the most efficient type of internal combustion 
engine, is a monument to waste.
So engineers have begun to imitate nature, by letting a computerized version 
of Darwinian natural selection guide their design processes. In this 
approach, known as genetic algorithms, a computer simulates the performance 
of a group of machines, each with a slightly different design. These machines 
compete against one another and, just as in evolution, the best performing, 
or fittest, survives, to serve as the basis for another generation of 
designs. This process is repeated until an evolutionary winner, whose 
performance is maximized, emerges.
Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have recently applied this approach 
to the design of a diesel engine that, while far from the biological ideal, 
is more efficient and produces less waste than others in its class.
Recently genetic algorithms have been used in a wide variety of fields as 
diverse as creating artistic masterpieces, playing expert checkers and 
designing robots. But, Dr. Peter Senecal, a postdoctoral student at the 
university, said, "This is the first application of genetic algorithms to 
engine design."
Despite numerous refinements, the modern diesel engine is remarkably similar 
to the 1893 prototype by Rudolf Diesel. A French-born engineer, Diesel made 
his engine, using the newly discovered principles of thermodynamics, as a 
replacement of the gasoline engine, then in its infancy and extremely 
In a gasoline engine, a mixture of air and gas is injected into the engine's 
cylinder and then compressed by the piston. The mixture, ignited by a spark 
from the spark plug, explodes, and this explosive energy drives the piston 
and eventually makes the wheels turn round.
The efficiency of a gas engine is limited by (among other things) the 
compression ratio, the amount that the fuel-air mixture is compressed by the 
cylinder: the more compression the more efficient the engine. But when a gas 
is compressed it grows hotter and this heating can prematurely ignite the 
fuel-air mixture, causing a phenomenon known as knocking.
But in a diesel engine, this heating is put to good use. The cylinder of a 
diesel engine is filled with only air, which is compressed to as much as 500 
pounds a square inch, causing its temperature to rise to 1,000 degrees. Then, 
a tiny bit of fuel is injected into the combustion chamber, where the 
compressed, heated air causes it to explode without a spark plug. The result 
is an engine more efficient than one that runs on gasoline, but also one more 
complex because it requires machinery for compressing and injecting the fuel.
Refining the diesel engine has been a major project of engineers, arousing 
the interest of vast research laboratories and garage tinkerers alike. Their 
efforts have allowed diesel engines to evolve from hulking behemoths 
appropriate only in mines, factories and power plants to engines suitable for 
automobiles. Still, said Dr. Rolf D. Reiz, a professor of mechanical 
engineering at the University of Wisconsin, "For the first 80 years of diesel 
history, design has all been done by trial and error." 
Over the past two decades, with the advent of high-speed computing, this has 
begun to change, but slowly, because the problem is so difficult. To 
understand how a diesel engine works in detail requires more than a knowledge 
of piston and valve; the physics of fuel injection, exactly how fuel breaks 
into a mist and swirls around a cylinder, must be considered; every detail of 
physics and chemistry of the exploding, turbulent fireball of fuel must be 
It's the kind of problem that chokes even the most powerful supercomputers. 
But over the last few years, computers running software developed by Dr. Reiz 
and his colleagues at government laboratories, universities and in industry 
have begun to make progress, though the progress is slow. 
"A typical simulation will run for several days on a supercomputer," Dr. Reiz 
said. That simulation is of one engine cycle, which actually takes place in 
less than a tenth of a second. "We're much slower than real-time. It's kind 
of like the early days of weather prediction where you'd be predicting the 
weather that occurred three weeks ago. We're in that realm, but nevertheless 
we can use the tools to do things that cannot be done in the laboratory."
The computer simulation can be used to show the effects of varying any of the 
parameters of the engine's design: the timing of the fuel injection, how much 
fuel is injected, at what pressure and so on. There can be dozens of 
parameters to adjust, each of which affects the others. Finding an optimal 
combination by trial and error on a real-world engine could take practically 
forever. But, with simulations taking two days apiece, trying all the 
combinations of variables with a computer does not seem to work much faster.
After searching the mathematical literature, Dr. Senecal, a student of Dr. 
Reiz, found a better way to speed up the evolution of designs by borrowing 
genetic principles.
The problem of how to optimize a process based on many parameters can be 
likened to locating the peak of a mountain range. One approach is to start 
somewhere and keep walking up. Eventually the walker will reach a point where 
he can walk up no further, and this is a peak. But is this the highest peak?
Evolution confronts this problem in its search for an optimal combination of 
genes for survival. Mutating genes can be thought of as tweaking parameters. 
Somehow evolution manages to find a way of conquering mountains while not 
planting its flag on insignificant peaks. It does so by sending out not just 
one explorer but a veritable army.
By randomly mutating genes, evolution scatters a group of explorers across 
the so-called fitness landscape. The ones that find the highest ground, and 
are thus the fittest, survive and share their genes. Their offspring will 
then explore an area of the mountain closer to the place their parents 
landed, and perhaps discover even higher ground corresponding to even greater 
The basic idea of genetic algorithms is that entire classes of designs, 
strategies or artworks can be written down as depending upon a set of 
parameters. In the case of engine design, Dr. Senecal chose to make these 
parameters correspond to elements like injection timing, pressure and other 
operating variables. These parameters are, in effect, the genes of the engine 
and the computer starts by generating a random set of these genes.
The engines bearing these "genes" are simulated and the results are compared. 
Dr. Senecal rated the fitness of his engines on their fuel efficiency and the 
amount of soot and nitrate wastes they generated. The best of these designs 
are mated together by swapping genes in a way inspired by nature, and the 
process is repeated.
Ordinarily, genetic algorithms require hundreds of "organisms" to be 
evaluated each generation, but given how time-consuming it is to simulate a 
diesel engine cycle, Dr. Senecal needed a better technique. He discovered in 
the literature an approach called microgenetic algorithms, a refinement that 
allowed him to consider generations of just five organisms. Still, using a 
Silicon Graphics Origin 2000 supercomputer with 32 processors it took more 
than two weeks of continuous operation to find an optimal set of parameters.
The effort was worthwhile; Dr. Senecal's test engine consumed 15 percent less 
fuel than a standard engine while producing one-third as much nitric oxide 
and half the soot.
These results go beyond theoretical. To make sure their simulation 
corresponds to reality, the Wisconsin scientists have simulated a Caterpillar 
truck engine used to power real- world machinery. By tweaking the parameters 
of this real-world engine they confirmed their computer prediction, and that 
confirmation is of great interest to engine designers.
"What we can now do," Dr. Reiz said, "is indicate to engine designers those 
variables that are most important or ones that might have been overlooked had 
it not been for the computer identifying it." In particular, these studies 
have highlighted the importance of injecting the fuel into the cylinder in 
tiny bursts instead of in a single pulse. Doing so increases the surface area 
of the fuel, which leads to cleaner and more efficient burning.
So far the Wisconsin engineers have focused only on tweaking parameters while 
keeping the overall engine design constant. The next stage will involve 
having the computer vary the engine shape, particularly in the curve of the 
cylinder head.
"If you look at the shape of the piston in the truck engines you see it 
really hasn't changed much in the last 40 years," Dr. Reiz said. Meanwhile, 
the fuel injection system has changed radically.
"In the old days injectors used to operate at 2,000 pounds per square inch," 
he added. "Now we're talking about 20,000 pounds per square inch. So it 
stands to reason that an engine design that might have been useful for 2,000 
pounds per square inch may not be useful for 20,000 pounds per square inch."
Nobody has tinkered with the design because tinkering would involve creating 
a design, having a new piston made, and running it in the laboratory without 
much guidance from theory, and doing it over and over again. Rather than 
confront this expensive and frustrating process, designers have left the 
piston alone.
Now, Dr. Reiz said, "We can do all this on the computer without even having 
to cut metal." The result of this application of genetic algorithms could 
mean, in a few years, a revolution in the diesel engine. 

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