Re: Homeless

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 13:49:39 MDT

From: Damien Broderick <>

>I mentioned `visible hungry homeless people'. I wonder if the
>definitions vary between continents. I don't see that many filthy,
>demented people wandering the streets here, panhandling and just
>looking awful. Admittedly I don't get out of the suburbs much
>these days, but Melbourne or Sydney city proper aren't anything
>like I recall seeing in Manhattan, say. (The density of people
>doesn't feel all that different on the ground, especially in

Did you ever notice that we had alot fewer of them when we called
them "bums"? (easy Nadia, read the rest)

Actually they are a pretty interesting group, they congregate in
urban areas because of course that's where the money is. But I've
noticed that they virtually disappear during working hours, and re-
appear during rush hours. You'll see "homeless" getting on commuter
trains at the end of the day!

Actually there are are distinct groups walking the streets. Those
unfortunate individuals who were kicked out of mental institutions
during the budget cuts, the drug/alcohol addicts, and a third class
who are truly bums, unwilling to work because most can scam better
in a couple hours, than they can earn working a whole day at
minimum wage.

I say (and do) help groups one and two, and leave three to figure
it out.


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